This is the continuation of yesterday lol
Chris: *slaps* You stupid! *slaps*
Joy: Ow! Curse you!! *slaps hard*
Chris: *slaps*
Joy: *slaps*
Chris: Hey!! *calling nurses from the outside* Someone put this girl to the mental!!!
Joy: Wha...?? You... grrr *grabs Chris's hair xD *
Chris: Hoy bruha! Don't you dare grab it with your dirty hands!! *slaps*
Joy: Ouch! O.O *holds cheek* (T.T) It's becoming red... Damn you!! *slaps back n forth* take that! *slaps slaps slaps*
Nurse: Ms. Pepper O.o
Joy: *stops* A.... y... yeah O.o
Chris: Talk that crazy... I'm going home! grrrr!! *steps steps walks out*
.Nurse: A... The doctor says you can now go home ^_^ safely
Joy: H...huh? Really? :D
Nurse: Yeah ^^ ... Hey, were you arguing with that guy a while ago?
Joy: a... -_- yeah... He called me crazy -_- I hate him so much
Nurse: Is he your boyfriend?
Joy: Wha.... O.o A.... a no!! no.. *looks down* no way....
.Nurse: You know what?
Joy: h... *looks* huh?
Nurse: He might seem weird to you... But he's really caring ^_^
Joy: h... huh?
.Nurse: When you were sleeping... He didn't fail to watch over you...
.Joy: He... he did? ...
.Nurse: *nods* ^_^ ...
Praying that you are always safe... He was so worried... always asking me how was your condition.... staying by your side for almost a longer day....
.Joy: .... r... really...
Nurse: *nods* ^_^ Sometimes... I caught him sleeping, holding your hand.... He might be wishing you to wake up... He really cares... ^_^
Joy: N... now I feel guilty... *looks down sadly*
Nurse: You still have time to apologize right? ^_^
Joy: A... y.... ye... yeah... Do you think he could.... talk to me...
Nurse: Haha... A guy like him will never let you gone in his life =^_^=
Joy: *blush* .... A... I have to go pay my bills hehe... *rushing out*
Nurse: No need ^_^
Joy: *turns* h... huh?
Nurse: He already paid it ^_^
..Joy's POV
.walking outside... going home...
..Chris.... Is he at home?...
.And I saw a guy, buying fruits...
.It's oh... It's Chris!
.I was about to go near but then I paused for that moment when I heard a talk...
.Seller: I never thought there's a guy who really loves eating a lot of fruits *laughs*
Chris: H... huh?? It's not me... no... na...
Seller: Huh? You'll just display it?? I never thought that there's a guy who wasted a lot of fruits
Chris: N..No way! I'll give this to someone! This is for me *points* and this is for her ^_^ *points*
Seller: Wow... Lemme guess.... Your mother??
Chris: Actually, I'm planning to buy them but they aren't in home, maybe if they come back :)
Seller: Aha! A girlfriend!
Chris: Haha... Huh?! O/////O no... no!! *looks away* She doesn't like m...e...
Seller: Why do you care so much if she doesn't?
Chris: She's.... really dear to me... She's more than a bestfriend I don't want to lose... I really love her...
.I never thought I'm some kind of a dear to you.... :') You're so sweet...
.He then looked around and saw me...
"Wha... what??", He said surprisingly
"Oh! So~ She's your dear one :) ", The seller said...
."H.... u uh?! No... no no no!! O////O ", Chris said blushing...
."Thank you... come again ^^ ",
.We walked together never saying a word.... So awkward..
."I... Uh.... J... Joy...? ",
."*looks* y.... yeah? ",
"H.. here... take this with you... *hands a basket of fruits* ",
"H... uh.... t.... thank you....",
"Eat that huh?! Always take care of yourself... Got it?! I just bought it 'cuz I want you to eat it! Got it huh!? Yeah got it! ", he then looked away blushing, so cute again ^^
."I.... I'm sorry...",
"Huh... uh... yeah yeah... I'm sorry too... It's my fault... I've done it first...",
."No Chris.... It's really my fault.... I didn't know you watched over me.... I am really sorry >/////< ",
."Huh? :D What are you talking? *blinks innocently ",
"A... what??",
"I told you I was in School that time! Ohhh *rolls eyes* ",
"H... huh?? Then whoooo... That nurse was just.... o.O",
.Nurse: *giggles*
Doctor: why're you gigglin?

Top of The Valleyview
Fiksi PenggemarSo what if after a long long years... I don't know what to say anymore... *runs* I do not own Superbook. All properties and credits to the rightful owner(s)... This story focuses more on Chris and Joy, about Chris and Joy, and Chris and Joy hahaha...