Chapter 10: Ignorance

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Todd's POV

Yep... I'll say sorry to Joy... I have to... It was my fau-AARRGGHH!

"Dude, what's wrong with you?? We have to practice rather than spacing out~", Jerry said...

"Yeah right dude! Enough with the drama, as if you have that", Tom said...


"Yes, my new band members... Tom and Jerry",



Rima: Pfffftt *covers mouth*

Gizmo: *Pulled Rima away*



"Guyz, I have to go somewhere... Just for a while, just practice 'til I get here 'kay? Imma fast learner for some reasen~ Bye Guyz!", I said



I started to walk away...


Gizmo's POV

"What on earth is happened on me?!!",

I said as I looked in the mirror... Messing my hair... Wait... Wut?? HAIR?!! ! ! I don't have a H A I R RIGHT !! !! !! ??

"Waaaaah!! Superbook?! Why did you do this To MEhhhhhh?!!",

"You have to teach someone, a lesson...", Superbook said calmly


"What?! Wh... whoo?? me?? teach who?? me?? teach wh--",


"Who's someone??",

"You have to teach someone about importance...",


Great Superbook -_-


"I thought you would take me to--",

"You have to teach someone...",

"Okay I get it! Hahaha. But why did you turn me into thiz??",

"You have to tea--",

"Stop it hahaha! Noooooo~"


I panicked messing my hair running outside the house back n forth lol, 'til I saw Todd, the bully.


"Hey! New Chris' neighbor, aren't you??",

"Wha... Oh... Ehem... ehem..! *Like a genius mode* For Your Information, I am not his neigh--",

"Chris' friend, aren't ya??",

"Wh... what?? OF COURSE NOT?! Ehem... ehem.... For your informat--",

"Quit it already! Do you know where's Joy??",


"Wait... Joy..? Oh Joy hahahah... Just wait for a while...",

I hid to the wall and starts locating Joy's house... Great... Why I didn't do this before? D:


*My eyes started to light scan like a very high tech human robot oh... Great... I'm starting to like this one :D *

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