Free 3 in 1

115 3 0

Rima: Guyz! O! Mabait ako ngaun... Who wants a free 3 in 1 coffee?

Chris: Meeeee

Rima: Here... You can have it anytime you want *points the flowing flood*

Chris: How meany *pouts*

Rima: *throws chopping knife*

Chris: H...Hey!! *dodged* what's the meaning of--

Rima: *throws a chopping board*

Gizmo: Rimaaa quit iiiittt! I hate adventures!!

Rima: This isn't adventure.. This is a punishment!!! *throws a large heavy metal table*

Gizmo: Saaavvee meeee~ *hugs Joy*

Joy: Get him to save you! *points Chris madly* It was his idea to skip school!!!

Chris: ohhhhh~?!?! Well you were right there with me! and cr--

Rima: SHUUTT UPPPPPP!!!! *shows grenade*

Chris: Aaaaa!! Quit it!!! I am not going to Starbucks then!!

Rima: Good ^^ Now... drink this~ ^_^

Joy: Scarrrryyyy ghghghghgh O.O

Chris: eek..... yuck...

Rima: what? *frowns madly*

Chris: Aaaa errr.... Do you guyz have some energen?

Rima: *shows another grenade*

Chris: Aaaaaa!! Why ~meanyyyy

Rima: DRINK ALL OF THESE!!! *points a lot of flowing floods coming from the highway*

Chris: ughh... O.o" H.......hey.... Rima? about.... h..... hugging a.... aha..... ahaha *laughs nervously*

Rima: Great Idea! AFTER DRINKING THISSss!!!

Gizmo: Spare usssss... Pleaseeeeee....

Rima: *Laughs Evily*

Chris: Aaaaa!!! Someone save meeeeeee *cries a river*

Three in One Bahang Coffee
Made by Bagyong Nona

Wanna try some?

Gizmo: You're seriously getting mad huh? -_-

Rima: No... This is a serious matter

Gizmo: Crazy...

(Bat naulit? xD Ewan ko~ hahaha xD)

Letse kang Wattpad ka xD

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