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-Michael's POV-

''Are you working on new music, Mr Jackson? I loved your previous release.''

''I'm always working on music.'' I chuckled, readjusting my aviator sunglasses. ''I carry around a little notebook, and I'm always writing lyrics in it. Every day. And thank you''

''Mr Jackson'' Someone else asked. ''What's your love life like, do you have a girl?''

''I'm afraid my love life is private. Who knows, maybe I do, maybe I don't''

''Mr Jackson, are you gay?'' A woman asked. I let out a laugh, and almost rolled my eyes.

''No, I am not gay.''

How many times am I going to be asked that?

I sucked in my cheeks and frowned. Press. I hate it. It's mostly only horrible, awful UNTRUE statements.

''Hi, Mr Jackson'' A man in a grey suit spoke. I nodded.

''We've been told that you've had a lot of plastic surgery, and implants-''

''No, I have had ONE operation, on my nose... It helps me to breathe better, and hit the higher notes.... Implants? Are you CRAZY? FALSE, FALSE, FALSE.''




''I'm sorry, I have nothing more to say on that matter. I've already answered your question, in which, the answer is NO!'' I said calmly.

The man simply nodded, but looked a little bit annoyed.

''Do you want children, Mr Jackson?'' Asked another.

''Of course! I feel my life wouldn't be complete if I didn't have a family of my own. I LOVE children, they're so pure, and so so lovely.''

I answered a few more questions, some good, most bad, then it was finally time to leave.

Just two more days of press, and I'll be back in my home, and back climbing trees, and having water balloon fights.

Mmmmm sounds great.

''Where do you want to go now, Sir?'' Joey asked me as we approached the elevator. I ran a hand through my curls.

''The hotel would be nice.'' I mumbled. ''I'm exhausted.''  

Joey nodded, and pressed the button.

''Do you want me to go and grab you some food, Sir?''

''I'm good, thank you Joey! You hungry?? You can go and get some food for ya self if ya want! I'll be okay''

''Mr Jackson, I'm going to make sure you're in the hotel room safely, I'll wait for Dale and Jake to arrive, then I'll go.''

''Joey! I've told you so many times... Call me Michael!'' I chuckled.

The elevator came down at that very moment. I waited till the doors opened, then stepped in... Joey following closely behind me.

''Has Angel been in touch?''

''Not since this morning, Sir''

''Ah'' I slicked back my hair with my hand.

''You like this girl huh?'' Joey chuckled.

''I don't fully know her, but man..... She sure seems interesting, and it's great to have some female company''

Joey raised an eyebrow and gave me a funny look. I playfully punched his shoulder when I realised what he meant.

''Not like that'' I gasped, trying to hide my blush.

Joey shook his head and let out a chuckle.

''She gets me... Y'know? Her life is a little similar to mine. She even likes water balloon fights! Now that is something quite awesome!''


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