Eventful Day

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Angel's POV

-3 weeks later-

I dropped the heavy brown cardboard box that I was carrying, onto the sofa, and sighed.

''Girl, these walls aren't going to paint themselves'' Rose said loudly, as she entered the room, holding a heavy box aswell.

''Yeah... I'll be ready to start in a few. I'll be right back'' I said quietly, and rushed to the bathroom before she had a chance to speak.

After locking the door, I opened the medicine cabinet, and took out two pills from the box.

I quickly dry swallowed them, and ran a hand through my hair.

Tonight I was supposed to be going to stay with Michael for the weekend. Joey contacted me a few days ago by the request of Michael... He said he had an interview or something so he couldn't phone me himself.

But anyway, he asked me if I'd like to go over for a fun filled weekend.

It's been nearly a month since the day I met him.

I unlocked the bathroom door and sighed again. This headache was terrible.

''Headache'' I murmured to Rose as I walked back into the room. She gave me a sympathetic look.

''We could do it tomorrow instead, if you don't feel up to it...''

''I'll be fine'' I gave a small smile. ''And besides, I won't be here tomorrow'' I chuckled.

''Where are you going?'' She raised an eyebrow.

''To stay with a friend for a couple of days'' I smiled, as I took the lid off of a huge tub of mint green paint. ''I'm leaving tonight''

''Alright for some! You have a good time honey, you deserve the break. Mr Bruce always has us run ragged''

''It'll be great to not see his sour face for a while'' I giggled.

Mr Bruce, (My boss) is getting the store redecorated, so it'll be shut for a week, maybe two, and he's still paying us. Imagine that! He gave Rose and I a $250 dollar pay check.

''Amen!'' She winked, then handed me a paintbrush.

''So, how are you spending the week?'' I asked as I dipped the brush into the paint.

''Clayton and I are taking the kids to Florida for a few days. Should be fun.'' She painted a stroke on the wall, then turned to me. ''So who is this friend?''

''He and I go way back'' I lied as I carried on painting the wall. I couldn't tell her, not yet.

''Oh'' Her brows furrowed in confusion. ''How come you haven't mentioned him before?''

''We only just got back into contact''

''Ahh! That must be lovely'' She smiled. ''Clayton's sister is coming around tomorrow. She's such a snob, not in the least bit like Clayton''


''That's the one! How'd you-''

''You've mentioned her a few times'' I laughed.

''When you come back from your lil vacation, you should definitely come around to mine for dinner!''

''I'd love that!''

''Well, I'll call you when you're back, and we'll arrange something'' She grinned.

By 8pm, the two walls were painted green, all that was left to do was paint the other two walls brown. Like mint chocolate chip ice cream. Get it?

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