I wake up to the sound of my alarm. It is very early, something past 5 am. Groaning in displeasure of having to wake this early, I go to the bathroom and do all that is needed. After that, I had to find an outfit to wear and I found one pressed neatly on a chair beside my bed. I smile; knowing my brother is always one step ahead.
Done getting dressed, I go down the stairs to look for Cadmael. I don't take long since I find him already dressed and having breakfast.
"Good morning, Cad."
"There is nothing good about this early morning, so don't 'good morning' me, Kacy."
"Oh! Sorry, my bad." I call out laughing at how funny he looked with a glare on his face. Entering the kitchen I make breakfast for myself. Some minutes later I am done making Pancakes, bacon and eggs.
I sit beside Cad and eat silently. I don't even try small talk with him, knowing I won't get an answer.
"Hey baby bro, are you ready for your journey? The car is here."
"Yes just about done eating, but am ready to go. And what do you mean a car? Aren't you guys driving us?"
"Well, Alpha Cephas sent a car to come and pick you up. I'm sorry; no one here will be driving you there." The apology in my brother's voice is loud and clear. I smile weary, deciding not to push it even though I'm disappointed.
"Its fine I guess. Where are you?" I ask thinking of seeing him before I leave.
"I'm outside, getting yours and Cadmael's bags in the car. I wouldn't miss seeing you off now, would I?" He points out.
"Okay. Be there in a sec." I finish eating and drop the plates back in the kitchen. We walk out to find Kel about to finish packing the bags. Nearing the BMW X5, I walk up to my brother who has now finished packing.
"Are you ready to go?"
"I am not sure, Kel, but I think this is it." I sigh, feeling tired from nowhere.
"Yes, this is it but it's not goodbye. More like a 'see you later'. You know there is something called visiting. I will make sure I make use of that word." He announce to which I smile, feeling a bit better now that I know he will be visiting sometimes.
"I look forward to meeting you again, bro." I choke out, the tears making their presence known.
"Come here." I rush in my brothers open arms, feeling his warmth through my body. I will miss this.
"Kacy, you know I don't like seeing you cry. I'm sorry it has to be this way but remember, I'm always with you no matter how far the distance. You are my little brother and will always come first. Don't be scared to face the changes. Sometimes it's good to have a change once in a while. Now do you remember our talk yesterday?" He asks still holding me.
I nod remembering what he said yesterday. I will never forget that.
"Good, always remember that. You are equal with your mate. Don't let him tell you otherwise if he is an asshole. You are of Alpha blood, don't let anyone belittle you. And if he makes you cry, just call me and I will kick his ass. Okay Kacy?" He asks moving me so that he can see my face.
"Okay." Nodding, I remove all traces of tears on my face. I smile looking up to see Kel already smiling down at me. He was the lucky one with father's height which made me look very short.
Hugging me for the last time, he turns to Cad who is saying goodbye to Bertha, his sister. She goes back inside after saying her farewell to us both. Kel gives Cad a hug and motions us to go inside the car. After looking at him for the last time until we meet again, I enter the car putting the seatbelt on.
"Hello. My name is Xavier; I will be accompanying you to the Pack house." Said the driver.
After greeting the driver, the car takes off. Slowly we start our long journey. Looking back, I watch my brother as he waves us off from the house with a sad smile and I keep on looking until I no longer see him and the house.
"I will miss you little brother. And remember, during a full moon you will be able to mind link me and father. You may not be in this pack but you will always be family. I love you Kacy, see you later." He concludes and I feel the link to him fade as we almost pass the pack's boarder.
"I may not have been there when you left son but always remember we are here for you as your family and friend. I wish you a safe journey. I love you Kacper."
"I love you too dad." A tear makes its way down my cheek and that's the last I hear from my family as we successfully pass through the boarder, no longer in the pack's territory. A heavy feeling settles in my heart as the car drives further and further away from my pack. I will miss my family.
Feeling arms go around me, I turn to my right and my sight meets a teary Cad. At least I have my friend with me. He's been always there for me when I needed a friend and family. He sure is a best friend I will ever have. With that, I rest my head on his shoulder and cry myself to sleep.
I wake up later that day to find us still inside the moving car. Looking around, I see the sun is nearly setting. I groan in discomfort while sitting upright and stretching my body as far as the car allows.
"Ow! Did you just slap me?" Cad growls lowly at me. Unknown to me, my hand did reach out to Cad.
"Sorry." I state looking apologetically to him. I see him scoff at me and tries to go back to sleep only for his stomach to cry for attention. He looks slightly abashed before turning to look out the window.
"Sir Kelvin left this for you. You might want to use it." Xavier informs, giving us a cooler box and a slightly large container. I receive them to find water bottles, apple juice and mango juice in the cooler box. In the container are chicken sandwiches, a burger and some chips.
We eat silently, offering some of the food to Xavier who refuses to take anything but a water bottle. I start feeling sleepy sometime after the food and I try to keep myself awake. I really want to see different sceneries we are passing but sleep seems to already have a strong grip on me.
"You can sleep Sir; I will wake you up once we reach the inner gate." I hear Xavier say.
"What inner gate? Is there an outer gate too?" I yawn lazily and my eyes close voluntarily.
"Yes. We have two gates; the outer gate and the Inner gate. It's-"
"Stop." I cut him off as politely as I can because I didn't want to sound rude. "I'm really tired now. Just wake me up after we pass the inner gate and not before we reach the pack house." I explain.
"Very well Sir, I will do that."
"Thank you, Xavier." And with that, I allow myself to sleep.
I don't know how much longer I slept after that but as promised, Xavier woke me up. I was so out of it; I didn't know what was happening for a few seconds until Xavier spoke up.
"We are here Sir."
That concludes chapter three. How was it?
We have new characters next chapter.
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Until Next Time!!!

The Secret Pack
WerewolfBook 1 of The Secret Series Kacper had been counting since he was a ten year old boy. Subtracting years, months and now the countdown was almost over. Kacper was counting just a month before his 18th birthday which would mark the time he finally lea...