Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A week has passed since I woke up and I've been getting better and better. I didn't expect to see the whole family here but I was happy nonetheless. Everyone was genuinely worried about my well-being and now I've managed to convince them I'm fine. My wound has perfectly healed with just remaining a few pains when I move aggressively. Chris said it's likely that I will have a scar because of my slow rate of healing. He's not sure whether it will be permanent or it will cease to exist with time.

My brother; who is now Alpha and dad came to see me as well. They told me of how worried they were when they heard I was in labor and things were complicated too. I know they didn't want to have a repeat of my mother and feared I will die as well, now they were glad I survived this. I had to survive anyway because I have a lot to look after.

When they told me about my baby's condition, I didn't cry even if I wanted to. I tried my best to smile knowing that my child survived just like me. He was still in the incubator but he was getting better and better due to the medicine and magic he received.

Today I am taking him home since I'm allowed to leave the hospital. I don't feel like living here any longer will do me good because I really don't like hospitals especially one that I almost died in. I take my clothes from Chris and enter the bathroom in my hospital room, to change. With the scar on my body, I somehow feel self-conscious about my body. I don't want anyone seeing it and I can't even see it myself.

I leave the room with Chris to meet up with Elijah in our son's room. He's already there to make sure all is well before we take him home. The sound of his cries reaches my ear before I approach the door and I run to arrive faster. I don't feel right knowing that my son is crying either due to pain or hunger. I open the door and enter the room to find Elijah trying to quit him down.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask as I approach them. He shakes his head and tells me that he is just crying. I motion for him to hand me the baby and the moment he reaches my arms he stops crying.

Roman, that's what I named him, hasn't opened his eyes yet. The doctor says it's not a problem and he will open his eyes soon. I only wonder whom he is going to take after even though a mix of both is fine with me.

"Wow, so he gets quiet just like that?" Chris asks and I smile.

"Yes. Never underestimate the power of a mother." I tell him and he laughs.

Elijah tells us it's okay to leave and we exit the room together. We both walk slowly since I don't want to shake up the baby until we exit the hospital where we are then driven home by Xavier. The house still looks beautiful and the outside has changed as well. I find we now have an elevator which takes us to our room. He didn't want me using the stairs in fear of me falling.

"Oh, my god!" I gasp when we enter our room. It has been extended with a nursery now for our sons. The nursery is well decorated with everything a baby needs. "It's beautiful El, I love it." I kiss his cheeks and then walk to the bed labeled Roman, laying him down and sitting on the chair beside it.

"I'm glad you love it." He smiles and walks out but then comes back in. "Hey babe, I've already asked Nurse Lucy to come and watch our son as we go and say farewell to everyone." He says but I shake my head.

"I'm not going Elijah. I will stay with Roman for now and you can go to the party."

"But babe I'm not supposed to go alone. We won't be long out there and everyone will understand why. We just have to get there at least." He reasons but I still refuse leaving my son. He sighs and leaves the nursery to get ready for the party.

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