I look out through the window as we pass many buildings with most of them under the name Cephas. Then we pass through the town and since it is night, many of the stores are closed and only a few are open. Soon we are passing through the forest. This is really one big thick forest. It takes us almost an hour to reach the pack house.
"Wow! That's one big house." Cad whispers with a whistle. I didn't even know he was awake.
"More like a mansion, Cad." I whisper back to him.
"And why are we whispering?"
"I don't know. It just seems nice to do so."
I snort. What's nice about whispering? Leave it to my weird friend to make things weird. As we come up to the pack house, I see two people standing outside. From the power emitting from them, I know it has to be the Alpha and Luna. The car stops not so far from them. As we both come out, the couple nears the car.
"Welcome to the Kahuna pack, your new home. I'm Alpha Darius Cephas and this is my mate, Luna Jemima Cephas." The Alpha greets us and the Luna looks at us with a big smile gracing her face.
"Hello," the Luna speaks up, taking a step closer to us. "It's nice to finally meet you."
I look at the beautiful creatures before me. Alpha Cephas is very handsome and so is the beauty that defined Luna Jemima. She is a sight to see. Their children might be also good looking just as them, which means my mate is a sight to see. Damn! Speaking of mate, where is mine?
"Hello Alpha and Luna. I'm Kacper and this is my friend, Cadmael. Thank you for welcoming us home and it's also nice to meet you." I breathe out then me and Cad bows slightly . I don't know why but I am now nervous. What if I don't look good enough for their son? Will they hate me?
"Oh, you two are so cute! Aren't they honey?"
The Luna's voice brings me out of my thoughts and suddenly, I am being embraced by her. She does the same with Cad. We both just stand there not knowing what to do.
"Easy there honey, you will scare the boys with such sudden hugs." The Alpha chuckles.
Releasing us, the Luna turns to her mate. "No I will not. I'm just giving them a proper welcome." Turning back to us, she smiles and I wonder if the smile ever leaves her face. "It's late and we have prepared some rooms for you two. Follow me."
I move to take a step but something makes me halt and I hesitantly stare at the couple before me. "Can I ask something?"
"You can ask anything, Kacper."
"Thank you, Luna. I wa-"
"No need for the Alpha or Luna title when we are home. You're now family, you can call me Jemima and him, just Darius."
"Okay, Jemima. I was wondering why my mate isn't here. I thought it was proper for him to welcome me here, not that you guys did a bad job on it, I just thought he should have been here with you." My heart painfully constricts as the ache makes an appearance.
They look at each other and seem to be in a conversation, then Jemima look back at me with a different smile. The brightness from before is no longer present in her smile and I slightly feel bad.
"Yes he is supposed to be here but he had a long day at work and thought it best not to wake him up. He really needs the rest."
"Okay, but he knows about me arriving today, right?" I frown.
She looks hesitant for a second but then it's gone. "Yes, he knows. You will be able to meet him tomorrow at breakfast. Now if that's all, please follow me inside."

The Secret Pack
مستذئبBook 1 of The Secret Series Kacper had been counting since he was a ten year old boy. Subtracting years, months and now the countdown was almost over. Kacper was counting just a month before his 18th birthday which would mark the time he finally lea...