Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I carry my mate and carefully run to the hospital. I've already alerted the doctor to be ready for us. I reach the hospital and make a bee line to the prepared room for my mate. I'm greeted by nurses and they escort me to the room where I lay him down. I groan silently in pain when my mate grips my arm so hard. He groans, adding more pressure on the arm when I move to withdraw it.

"Hey babe, I'm not going anywhere." I coo softly and he slowly releases my arm. I hold his hand and brush off some of his hair that's sticking on his forehead. The scent of blood hits my nose and I scan my mate only to see blood on the bed and some even dripping down.

"W-why is h-he supposed to bleed that much?" I stutter, too nervous to form a stable question as the blood reminds me of the last time I brought my mate at the hospital. We lost a child that day and I didn't want to think what this bleeding means now.

"No, he is not supposed to be bleeding this much." The doctor hurries to him leaving what he was doing. After checking him up, he immediately alert the nurses and they start running around the room. "Alpha I'm very sorry but you have to step out for a bit; we have to operate on your mate immediately or he may lose his life or the child's."

The doctor's words hit me like a brick of stone and I immediately hold my mate' hand. No way am I losing my mate and child. Not this time at least. I tell the doctor that I'll be in here with my mate and a nurse escorts me out to another room to give me a change of clothes as the others prepare my mate for surgery.

When I come back in the room I find that everything is ready and they will start the operation any minute. I hold Kacper's hand and stand beside his upper body part. A curtain is placed in between to keep me from seeing them cutting him up and even if I will smell his blood, I'm sure I can handle it. A tear rolls down his eyes and I quickly wipe it off. He looks at me and I give him an assuring smile, adding a bit pressure on his hand but releasing it quickly to avoid injuring him.

"El, Elijah-"

"Shush, babe. I'm here with you." I mumble, rubbing his hand and he gives me a weary smile.

"We are now ready to start." I hear the doctor's voice but my eyes are locked with my mate'. "Do you feel that Luna?" He asks and my mate gives a weak 'what?' making the doctor to start their work.

I watch the eyes of my mate and I see how beautiful they are. They might have lost a bit color due to the current events but they still are beautiful. I don't know how long I stand there just gazing in my babe's eyes until a high pitched cry sounds in the room. For a second, I glance at the curtain before me where the sounds are coming from then look back at my mate only to find his eyes closed.

I listen for his heartbeat and it sounds faint. I shake him to look at me but he doesn't open his eyes. The curtain suddenly gets off and I see the stomach of my mate already sealed shut by stitches. I see the wound is not showing any signs of healing and I look at the doctor in panic. I ask him why my mate is not healing.

"His body is weak and he lost a lot of blood and even though we gave him a lot of blood during the operation, I'm afraid that's why this is happening." He explains while doing this and that on my mate.

"You should go and see your son Alpha." I shake my head not wanting to leave my mate alone.

~Elijah please go and check on our son. I will be fine, I promise.~

My mate's wolf links me and I look at his closed eyes with a doubt but she insists I leave so I do that. I first talked to Sheila, my mate's wolf, two weeks ago when he was pissed at me for not buying his favorite food. I was really shocked but got the hang of it quickly.

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