Chapter Twenty-Three

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I was so happy to see Cadmael and Theo as well as Chris. I stayed in the hospital for three more days, making it a week there. I ignored Elijah every time he stopped by to see me. We didn't talk, well at least I didn't but he did. Telling me how sorry he was, that's all he has been saying lately. He then started to visit each time I slept and when I woke up, he was long gone. I could only smell his scent and that's why I knew he came to see me. I thought it best because in that way, we avoided the awkwardness between us.

Cadmael told me all that has happened to him so far. It was a bit shocking to see my friend that I've been with since forever, doing magic. He seemed to enjoy it and I was happy for him. Theo as well could practice magic and he was happy his father now allows him to do so.

The other guy that they came here with, Ashton, was a guardian witch. He was guarding Cad until everything worked out. He was the best guy to be around with and I enjoyed it all times. He had a brother but Elijah only allowed one of them to come here with Cad. His cousin, Michael, can associate with witches but Elijah didn't trust them enough.

The moment I was out of the hospital, I stayed to myself. It's like I was living on my own in a full house. I enjoyed my time with Cad as long as they had been here. We had fun together and it was sad to see them go. The week they had been here was all I needed to escape my problems. Sadly, I had to see them go, as they had a lot going on back at their pack.

I haven't seen Joyce around and I want to keep it that way. She doesn't have to know that I'm having something that can take Elijah away from him. She is unpredictable and I have to make sure that she stays away from me.

"Luna there's someone here to see you." Liam informs me. I stand up from the bed I was lying on and open the bedroom door. I go and sit on the couch after telling him to let them come in. I already knew who was coming and I've been expecting them. The guest enters and sits opposite me.

"Do you have anything for me?" I ask Kyle who is sitting beside his mate Mariana.

"Yes Luna, we have a lot to tell you." Kyle answers and I smile. I've had him to look into Joyce and her followers. To know exactly what they are up to, I have to know who they are.

"The girls are all witches Luna." Kyle pauses. "Joyce comes from a powerful line of witches and the friends are from her coven." He explains.

He tells me of the history of her ancestors. They were very evil and they practiced dark magic. They sacrificed children and killed each other in order to gain more power. But there were also good witches born in the coven. The high priestess gave birth to twin girls. One was evil and the other was her twin's opposite.

They grew together but fell apart, as they had different motives. There came a time when the dark fought the light but no one won. They were both powerful and the fight was even. Then they decided to separate dark and light.Joyce comes from the dark coven called Old Dark Forest while the other coven was called New Light Forest.

There was a prophecy four years ago but Kyle doesn't know what it was about. He says he will look into it but I tell him not to. I have another idea and I think that source of information will be better. He warns me not to mess with Joyce at the moment until we figure out something because she is very dangerous.

"Luna I know I'm not supposed to say anything on this, but how are you and Elijah doing?" Mariana ask and I just shake my head.

"We are not okay at the moment and I hope you can understand that. He brought another woman in my home and said woman is carrying his baby." I say and a tear falls down my cheek. I sniff and wipe it off as I stand from the couch. "I'm sorry, it's just that things are getting hard for me and all this shit about Joyce is eating my strength away."

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