Chapter Six

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I just stand there watching the scene before me as Elijah greets the people around, with the woman still plastered to his side. To say I'm angry is an understatement because I feel like I've surpassed that. I've never felt this rage before but I love it. If he thought he was going to embarrass me then he has another thing coming.

"Kacy..." Cad whispers


"What are you going to do now?"

What am I going to do?

Well, that's a perfect question but I'm afraid I don't have an answer to that. I frankly don't know what to do but right now, I'm not one to think but act what comes to mind and right now, there's something cooking. I will just show him what I am going to do rather than explain.

"Get me a drink."

The order is carried out by Cad who brings a bottle and a tumbler which he goes to hand me but I grab the bottle and drink from it. I definitely need this drink. When the bottle is halfway done, I stop drinking and look back at Elijah. He still has the girl at his side.

That stupid bitch.

I make my way to Elijah and stop right in front of them. Elijah avoids eye contact once I look up to him. Then my eyes set on the brown eyes belonging to the woman.

"Is this one of your relative again, Elijah?" She asks. Too bad he doesn't give her a response.

"Don't do anything you might regret, Kacy!"

"It is too late for that, Cad." I smirk.

I bring up the bottle and slowly drop its contents on the girls head. Loud gasps reaches my ear but I don't mind them. She looks at me, her mouth opening and closing at loss of words to say. I don't know when they separated but I'm glad to see her not attached to Elijah's side any longer.

"W-w-what are y-you doing?" She whispers slowly.

"I'm supposed to be asking you that. What do you think you are doing?"

"I-i w-was just....."

"Is he your mate?"

"No b-but-"

"Good. Then what are you doing with your hands all over him? Do you think he doesn't have a mate?"

"I d-do, its ju-"

"Great. Now listen to me bitch." I growl at her menacingly, and look her straight in the eyes. "This time I will be forgiving but I will not be, next time. So I hope we won't have a next time."

"What are you talking about?" She asks looking confused.

"What I'm saying is, next time I see you put your filthy hands on my mate you will find yourself six feet under." I state with a smile. I watch as the news finally hits home in her head. Eyes wide she looks between me and Elijah. Her head low, she starts fidgeting. Good.

"I-I a-am s-sorry I didn't know-"

"Shut! Up!" I give her the nastiest glare I could master. "You and me both know that's a lie. There is no Alpha without a mate. This should be the last time I see the likes of you. Now leave!" I yell out

She looks at me, not even believing what I said. I feel my hands forming into claws as my body starts changing forms and ready to strike. I raise my hand to do just that when I feel it blocked by Elijah. I look up at him and this time he meets my gaze. He doesn't even look away.

"Leave!" He growls to Joyce, his wannabe girlfriend, and she runs out the hall. I forgot he was still here and wonder why he didn't interfere all that time I've been here. He looks at me and moves getting too near for comfort.

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