Chapter 1 - Melody Reed

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NOTE: This was my first story ever, so yes it's horribly written and there are a million mistakes. I hope I'll get to rewrite it someday!

"I Love you Melody and I promise I will never hurt you"

I felt my eyes starting to flutter open, the sunlight was beaming straight into my eyes. I looked away, regaining my sight before looking back out the window and noticing all the green that kept passing.

I had that same dream again, the dream were I was in the woods and someone was standing in front of me, but I could never see there face, and always at the end he would say those words to me.

"Morning princess!" My dad said as he looked at me through the review mirror, he smiled at me.

I smiled back and replied, "mornin' dad."

"Did you sleep well honey?" My mom asked, I sighed.

"Yeah, I guess." I responded.

I looked at her and she gave me one of her I can't believe I gave birth to such an angel smile. I always loved it when she gave me those smiles it always made me feel all warm and safe inside. It showed she really loved me.

"That's good baby, were almost there." she said

I sighed and looked out the window, we were moving from Oregon to La Push in Washington. I didn't want to move because I knew I would have to leave my friends Madison and Bailey behind, we were best friends since diapers.

I looked out the window and saw the beautiful scenery around me, I took out my camera and starting taking pictures. I loved photography, I get it from my mom she's always taking pictures especially of me. We have hundreds of photos that my mom's taken.

"Isn't it beautiful Melody?" My mom asked me, I turned my head towards her

"Yeah it's a great place to take pictures." I responded

"I know and where we're gonna live, is right by the beach." She said

I looked back out the window and saw this figure like an animal running through the trees, I quickly snapped a picture of it. I looked at the picture all you could see was a blur of grey in the trees.

"We're here," my dad said, I looked up and saw a two story white house with a small garage on the side, the windows were outlined with a dark blue. The house was nice and it looked cozy.

I put my camera away and got out of the car.

"Do you like it?" My dad asked, I turned my attention to him.

"Like it?" I said "I love it" I responded, he chuckled

"I'm glad you do!" He said, I turned to him and gave him a hug. I pulled my mom into it as well.

"Well lets unpack all the stuff." My mom said, after pulling away

We spent the rest of the day unpacking. The house had everything that a house needed, we had a big kitchen and living room.

There were three rooms, mine had come with a nice balcony. I put my pictures on the walls and on my counters, after I was done unpacking.

I said goodnight to my parents before deciding it was time for bed. I dressed in my sweat pants and tank top, I got into the covers, closing my eyes.


I woke up the next morning, with the sunlight peaking in through my windows.

I Got out of bed and took a shower, I put on some shorts, a tank top and some sandals. I curled my dark brown hair and put on some light make up.

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