After they were all done grabbing there muffins, they looked towards me.
"Hey Melody!" Collin said.
"Hi," I said and gave him a small smile
"Hey there beautiful." Embry said, he winked at me. I blushed and looked down.
I looked back up and turned to Seth, to my amazement, he looked mad, his fists were clenched, he was shaking and a small growl came from him, glaring at Embry.
Whoa, what was that? It's actually kind of cute.
I couldn't help but smile to myself, then I remembered about Seth looking like he was about to kill Embry, I gently touched his arm, and he looked down at me, I smiled at him and he smiled back. He stopped shaking, and smiled at Embry.
I chuckled and everyone looked at me, I could feel my cheeks burning again.
I seriously need to stop blushing.
"What's so funny?" Paul asked me, Before I could answer another guy came through the door, he looked about 22 or 23. He walked to Emily and grabbed her by the waist gently kissing her cheek. I smiled at them, they looked so cute together. They pulled away and smiled at each other.
"Gross not while were eating!" Jared said with muffin in his mouth.
"If you don't like it get out," the guy said to him, Emily chuckled so did I. The guy turned his attention to me.
"And who is this?" he asked .
"This is Melody, she just moved here." Seth answered. I waved and gave a small smile
"Melody this is Sam, Emily's fiance." Seth said, Sam extended his hand, I shook it.
"Nice to meet you," I said back. He looked at Seth and then at me.
"Seth can I talk to you outside?" Sam asked, Seth looked at me then walked out with Sam. I decided to go sit down when Emily called me.
"Hey Melody can I ask you something?" I smiled "Sure." I replied.
"So Melody what do you think of Seth?" She asked, I blushed.
Wow I really need to stop blushing!
"Umm..He-he's nice, you know friendly." I blushed again.
"Ya he's a real nice boy, do you like him?" she asked me, I blushed even more.
"Umm...Well I don't know, he's really sweet but I don't know" I said replied, she smiled.
"Okay," she said, "Okay," I said back. Seth and Sam came through the door, Seth was grinning as he walked over to me.
"Hey you wanna go for a walk?" He asked me
"Uh..Ya sure" I answered, I said bye to everyone and we walked out the door. We started talking about our lives.
He told me that his dad died from a heart attack and that he had an older sister named Leah. He told me about how she was mean sometimes or most of the time because she changed after Sam broke up with her, because he liked Emily, and Emily was Leah's second cousin. He also talked about how she was still gonna be a bridesmaid for their wedding.
"Wow I don't blame her for being like that." I told him.
"What do you mean?" He wuestioned.
"Well it must hurt having the guy you love with all your heart leave you for your cousin." I said.
"Yeah it would but Sam fell in love with Emily," he said.
"Well I guess you can't help who you fall in love with, but I also admire how even though it hurts her to see them together, she's still gonna go the wedding and be a bridesmaid, I probably could never do that!" I said
"I admire her too," he smiled at me and I smiled back. The rest of the walk we kept talking about what we like and other stuff. Soon we reached my house.
"Well i'll see you..."
"Tomorrow" he cut me off "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." I replied. I gave him a hug and walked in.
"Hey honey, how was your day?" My mom asked .
"It was good I met some really nice people" I said.
"That's good honey but be careful," my dad said.
"I know dad, don't worry." I said back.
"Okay well night honey." My dad said
"Night." I walked upstairs and took a shower, I put on my clothes and got into bed.
I kept thinking of Seth when my eyes started to close and I fell asleep.
Seth's P.O.V
After I dropped off Melody I went on patrol, the entire time I couldn't get her out my head, the guys even got mad at me, besides the ones who already imprinted they understood how I felt.
Melody was now my world.

I Promise | Seth Clearwater
FanfictionMelody Reed and Seth Clearwater, two completely different people. Yet, the same in so many ways. Melody, a young girl who loves photography and life. Seth Clearwater, a happy go lucky person. What happens when these two meet?