Melody's P.O.V
I was walking through the woods when I reached a small clearing with a kind of heart shaped pond in the middle. I looked up and saw the figure of a man in front of me, I couldn't see his face because of the darkness. He was just standing there staring at me. "Who are you?" I whispered. He didn't respond. "Who are you?" I said a little bit louder. Silence. "WHO ARE YOU?" I yelled this time. Again he was silent. "I love you." He whispered. I was in shock, this person I didn't even know, said he loved me, but he said it like he really meant it. "What?" Was all I could say back."I Love you Melody and I promise I will never hurt you."
My eyes shot open. I had that dream again, I kept having it. I didn't get it, who was that man standing in front of me and why did he say he loved me and he would never hurt me.
I shook my head trying to get it out of my head. "It's just a dream, it means nothing." I said to myself, "Nothing."
I got out of bed and got in the shower. It felt good having the water run down my body, it always calms me. I got out and got dressed into some dark shorts and a plaid shirt and converse. I put on some makeup and put my hair up in a ponytail. I walked towards my phone and noticed I had a missed call from Carson, I called back.
"Hey Carson!"
"Oh, hey Melody, I called you earlier to see if you wanted to hang out? If that's what your calling about."
"I would love to hang out!"
"Okay meet me at the cliff in 20."
"Alright see you there, bye!"
"Bye beautiful."
The line went dead.
I walked downstairs and saw that no one was home. I saw a little note on the fridge, I grabbed it and read it.
We'll be home later, went shopping. Love, mom and dad.
I threw the note in the trash and grabbed a piece of bread and put it in the toaster. After it popped up I put some peanut butter and jelly on it and ate it. I grabbed my cellphone, house key and some money and went out the door.
I walked to the cliffs and saw Carson standing watching the sea. "BOO!" I yelled, he jumped up. I started laughing. "Hey that wasn't funny, you actually scared me."
"Just like when you and your friends were acting like creeps." I said back. "Okay I guess I deserved that!"
"Yes you did."
"Anyways you ready to go?" He asked. "Ready to go where?" I asked with curiosity.
"To Port Angeles." He replied. "Oh Okay!" I smiled, he smiled back.
We walked into the woods until we reached a road, his car was parked on the side. We got in and started driving. The entire ride we kept asking each other questions like What's your favorite color? What's your favorite animal, movie, actor/actress, food, candy bar? Random stuff like that. We stopped at the theaters.
"So what movie we gonna watch?" I asked "I don't know you pick?" he said. "Hmm... How about that one?" I suggested, pointing at a childish movie. "You're kidding right?" I laughed "Nope!"
"Okay then whatever you want."
We bought popcorn and some drinks.
During the movie Carson did the yawn and put your arm around the girl trick. It was cheesy but I liked it. The movie ended and we went out to a pizza place to eat. After we were done I really got to know Carson, he was funny and sweet and caring and such a gentleman. We drove back to La Push and decided to head to the beach.
We sat on the sand in silence, until he spoke, "So Melody, I uh.. really like you." He said, I didn't know what to say, I also liked him but I kind of had feelings for Seth. He got up and started walking to the water, I got up and followed him. "I like you too." I said back, he looked at me and grabbed my cheek and started to lean in, so did I.
I closed my eyes and our lips touched.
"Melody." I heard someone whisper. I pulled away from Carson and saw Seth, he looked sad. "Seth." I spoke, he looked down "Uh sorry for interrupting you," he whispered, with that he started walking away.
I looked at Carson, he was starting to lean in again, I pulled away from him. "I have to go now." I said. He looked mad, "Sorry." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and started walking to catch up with Seth, but he disappeared into the forest.
I followed him but I couldn't find him.
I kept going in further and soon I was lost. I reached a small meadow, the same meadow in my dream. I looked around and didn't see a man. I sat down and put my feet into the heart shaped pond. I didn't notice I was crying until a tear hit the water.
I kissed Carson in front of Seth.
How could I do that?
I was lost in my thoughts when I heard something behind me. I turned around and saw a huge Sandy colored wolf, it was beautiful. It started walking towards me and I stepped back. I looked into his eyes and for some reason it reminded me of Seth.
I realized how large it was, a lot larger than any average wolf.
I stepped forward and put my hand out, it put it's head forward. I petted it's head. He licked my face, I giggled. I kept petting it and playing with it until he leaned down. I sat down next to him and started talking to him. For some reason I felt safe with this wolf and that I could tell him anything. I told him about my Carson and Seth situation, he growled at Carson's name which made me laugh.
My eyes started to close and I rested my head on him and fell asleep.
So what do you think? Team Seth or Carson? Comment and vote :)

I Promise | Seth Clearwater
FanfictionMelody Reed and Seth Clearwater, two completely different people. Yet, the same in so many ways. Melody, a young girl who loves photography and life. Seth Clearwater, a happy go lucky person. What happens when these two meet?