Chapter 9 - Love

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"Who the hell are you, and what the hell do you want" I hissed

"It's me Seth" The figure talked back, really now the loser wants to talk to me "What do you want?" I asked. "I wanna talk to you please"

"No I don't wanna talk to you" I snapped "Please just for a minute" He pleaded. "Fine" I hissed

"Okay hold on I'm coming up" He started climbing a tree next to the balcony, "Oh no wait you can come through the.." He landed on his two feet next to me "door" I finished. He smiled at me, I glared back, he looked hurt. "Only a minute, remember" I said "Right, Okay here I go, listen Melody" he started "Yes" I said back.

"I Love You." He said, I stared blankly at him "That's it?" I asked "Yup" He responded back, "Oh I thought you were gonna say more than that." He smiled at me "I was gonna tell you specifically how  I felt , but I didn't wanna seem like an obsessive freak who's head over heels in love with you and would do anything for you including giving up his life for you because your the most amazing girl in the world and the most beautiful! I Love You Melody Reed" I stood there in shock, I didn't know what to do or say. He looked down and then back up at me, he was waiting for me to say something, but I couldn't. It started raining...Hard. Really it's summer and raining. Seth spoke again.

"Well I guess you don't feel the same" A tear escaped his eye "I guess I'll see you around" He swung his legs over the railing, I grabbed him before he could jump "Wait" he looked at me and swung his legs back over, I looked into his warm eyes. I was already drenched in water and so was he, I stepped  towards him and cupped his cheeks in my hands, I leaned in and pressed my lips to his, it felt like lightning went through me, his lips were soft and It felt like I was floating through the air. I pulled away and let go of his face and looked into his eyes.

"I love you to" I whispered, he smiled like a 5 year old stuck in candy land, I smiled the exact same smile back. "So does this mean were together" He asked "I guess it does" I said back.

He put his hands on my waist and I put my arms around his neck, we both leaned in for a kiss when there was a knock at my door. "Melody honey are you asleep" I heard my mom ask through the other side of the door. "Crap my mom" We pulled away and Seth jumped over the railing, my mom came in. "Honey look at you, you're all wet, what are you doing out in the rain" She half yelled "I was just thinking, that's all" I said "Oh look at you, go in the bathroom and take a shower" She dragged me into the bathroom, "I'll be back in a bit" "No" I yelled she looked at me "I mean no it's okay I'm just gonna take a shower and go to bed, I'm gonna pass out any minute" I responded "Okay then, night honey" she said back "Night" She walked out and closed the door behind her, I locked it in case she came back.

I ran out to the balcony and looked down and, Seth was nowhere in sight, I frowned. "Looking for me" A voice behind me said, I jumped and turned around and saw Seth standing behind me. "Ah! you scared me" I half yelled and whispered. Before I could say anything else he grabbed my waist and crushed his lips to mine, I put my arms around his neck, and tilted my head to the right. Our lips moved in sync, after several minutes we pulled apart for air. We looked at each other and smiled.

"I Love you" He whispered, I smiled at him "I Love you to" I whispered back. There was another howl, he looked up. "I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow" He leaned in and gently and lovingly pressed his lips to mine, then he jumped over the railing, he looked back and smiled. Then he disappeared into the darkness of the woods.

I smiled to myself, "I Love you" I went inside and took a shower, I put on another pair of pj's and lay in my bed. I was thinking of everything that wonderful kiss in the rain, just like in the movies. I giggled to myself. I soon found myself drifting into darkness.

I woke up with what felt like arms around me, I jumped up and saw Seth deep in sleep next to me. I smiled, he looked so peaceful. I got out of bed and  went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I put on some white shorts with a grey tube top and a white sleeveless cardigan with my grey flip flops. I put my hair in a side braid and put my make up on. The entire time Seth didn't even move to the sounds I made.

After I was done I jumped on the bed, Seth slowly opened his eyes and rubbed them. He sat up and looked at me I smiled at him "Morning sleepy head" I said "Morning beautiful" He said back, I giggled "So why did you sneak into my room sometime during the night" I asked. He started blushing, I giggled again. He rubbed the back of his neck "Well I wanted to be with you" He responded, I smiled. He pulled me into his lap and kissed me, I was in heaven for about 5 seconds. We pulled apart and I wrapped my arms around his neck and snuggled into his shoulder. "I should get going" He said, a frown formed on to my face. I didn't want him to go. "Okay then" I said.

He got up and walked out toward the balcony he gently kissed me one more tim and jumped over the railing. I walked downstairs to and empty house, my parents were gone again. "Of course" I said to myself. I made some french toast and poured some orange juice into a cup. I was eating in silence when the door bell rang. I got up and put my cup into the sink. I walked to the door and opened it, there stood Seth grinning "Hi" I said "Hey you wanna go to Emily's" he asked I smiled and nodded "Wait here" I said, I ran up stairs and grabbed my cellphone and ran back down stairs. We walked out the door hand in hand, he stopped every 2 minutes just to kiss me.

Gosh I love this boy. 

We reached Emily's and walked in, the guys all stared at us. "So I see you finally told her how you felt" A girl with short black hair said I'm guessing it was Leah. Seth smiled "Yup" he responded. I smiled at the girl, she smiled back. "OH MY GOD LEAH JUST SMILED" Jared yelled, so she was Leah. "Shut up" she snapped back and walked towards me. "I'm Leah, Seth's older sister, nice to meet you" she extended her hand and I shook it "I'm Melody" I said back, "I know, Seth never stops talking about you" she said back, I looked up at Seth and he blushed. "Well I'm gonna go now" And she walked out the door.

The rest of the night we spent talking to everyone, Seth walked me home. "So do you wanna maybe go to a bonfire tomorrow" He asked me, I smiled "Ya I'd love to go" I responded. "Okay I'll pick you up at 7". "Okay see you then" He leaned in and lovingly pressed his lips to mine. We pulled away and smiled at each other. "Night" he said "Night" I said back. I opened the door and walked up upstairs but it felt like I was floating. I put on my pj's and lay in my bed, and drifted off into sleep.


I don't really like this chapter I feel like I didn't do a really good job on it, but thanks for reading!! Comment and vote for the next chapter (:

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