Chapter 10 - Conner

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I screamed and laughed while running through the forest, I turned around and saw Seth running behind. He grabbed me by the waist and picked me up bridal style and twirled me around. I laughed "Caught ya" He whispered in my ear. I giggled, he put me down and held me by my waist, my back to him. "I love you" he whispered. 

My eyes slowly opened, ugh I wanted to see what happened next. "Why do I always wake up at the good parts" I muttered to myself. I threw the blankets off me and walked to the balcony, today seemed like it was gonna be cold. The sky was gray and there was wind. I walked into the bathroom and took my clothes off and got in the shower. I got out and put on some dark blue shorts, and a purple off shoulder long sleeved sweat shirt with a white tank top under. I curled my hair and let it down I took my bangs and clipped them to the side of my head. I did my make up and put on my purple converse. (I found out that there's an external link on the side, so I can show you what she's wearing, just hit the link) >>>

I walked down stairs, my parents were at the table drinking coffee, I poured myself some and sat down with them. "Morning" I said "Morning" They responded back at the same time. I giggled "Anyways, can one of you take me shopping?" I asked, my dad looked up "Aimee that's your job" My father said. My mom looked up and frowned at him "Just because your her father doesn't mean you can't take her shopping" She responded back.

I giggled "Can you take me mom?" I asked her, she smiled "Of course I can" She responded, I grinned "Okay can we go now?" She smiled again "Sure" I jumped up and walked out to the car. I got in and waited for my mother, she came out and got in, we drove for and hour until we reached Port Angeles.

We stopped at this little boutique, I started looking around and came out about 2 hours later with 7 pairs of jeans and 4 dresses 4 pairs of shorts 5 tank tops 3 cardigans 8 shirts 2 jackets and a pair of brown boots. My mother came out with 2x's what I got.

We stopped by a little coffee shop, I ordered a small hot chocolate milk with a Cinnamon roll. After we were done eating and drinking we went home. I thanked my mom and walked up stairs, I checked my phone which I left at home and I had 2 missed calls from Seth. I called him back.

"Hello beautiful" I heard his hypnotizing voice answer

"Hey, you called" I said

"Ya I was wondering if we were still on for the bonfire" He asked 

"Ya we are" I responded, I smiled to myself

"Okay see you at 7, I love you" He said

"I Love you to" I said back. I grinned 

The line went dead. I decided to change into dark skinny jeans since it was getting cold. I looked at the clock and saw it was barely 5:30. Ugh I have to wait another hour. I sat on my bed and decided go out and take some pictures.

I grabbed my camera and walked outside down to the beach. I saw little kids playing in the sand or running from the cold water. I took pictures of them and the sunset. I was taking pictures of everything around me when a little boy came up to me he looked about 5.

"What are you doing?" He asked me in his cute little voice, he had dark brown colored hair and light blue/grey eyes. I smiled at him "I'm taking pictures" I responded "Taking pictures of what" He asked. "Of nature, you know like the beach and the forest" I said

"Your pretty" He randomly blurted out, I giggled "And your adorable" I answered back. He smiled at me "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, I giggled again "I think I'm to old for you" I said back with laughter. 

A woman came walking toward us, she had blonde hair and blue eyes, she must be his mother. "Conner, there you are" She said to the little boy. She looked at me and smiled "I'm sorry is my son bothering you" She asked. I smiled at her "No he's not" I responded back "Isn't she pretty mommy" Conner said to his mother, his mother giggled, so did I. She looked back at me "Yes she is" she responded I smiled "Thank you" I said back.

She smiled at me then made a face like she got an idea, "How old are you" She asked "I'm 15" I responded. "Do you babysit" She asked, "Well not really but I have before" I said

"Would you like to babysit my son, I need a babysitter for when I go to work" She asked. I smiled and thought about. "I'll pay you" She said, I smiled at Conner "Ya I guess I can, I love kids" I responded Conner grinned, "Oh thank you, here's my number" She gave me a card with her name and number on it, Sarah Winstone. "Are you available tomorrow" She asked "Yes I am" I responded "Okay I'll call you tomorrow to give you the address and time" She said "Okay" I said back. 

Conner ran to my legs and hugged me "See you tomorrow" he said "See you" I said back.He walked away with his mother. Wow I just got a job as a babysitter. I looked at my phone and saw it was 6:50 "Crap" I said to myself. I started running to my house before Seth could get there. I got there and ran upstairs, I did a quick make up and hair check, I put on a spritz of perfume, a second after the door bell rang. I walked downstairs and opened the door.

There stood my prince charming.


I was gonna write more but I'm really tired and hungry :) Comment and vote for more!! 

I Think I'm gonna take a break from this Story and write another, I don't have anymore ideas. My other one is gonna be called: I Wanna Be More Than Just Your Best Friend. Its another Seth Clearwater love story

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