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I pull up to an abandoned looking house in about the middle of nowhere."This spot seems good for now".I see the others suck their teeth at my selection."Well shit guys you cant be picky in an apocalypse.lets just give it a shot we've been on the road for about 5 hours now do you really want to go back into our cramped cars and sit while we look for something better which we might not even find?".Silence."I didn't think so".I think to myself: "someone has gotta be the man around here and fuck if I have to do it, so be it.".I looked at the house it wasn't that bad of a pick,it was a 2 floor house with a backyard,a front yard and a basement.The house was gravel colored.But it had a strange look as if somebody had died in there and it was just welcoming us to come inside and die too.The front door was open me and Carlos stepped inside.we decided that we were gonna be the cleaning crew when it came to buildings we didn't know.
---------------POV CHANGE-------------
I looked at this house like it was some sort of demon,I would only imagine what it would look like from the inside.Suddenly,breaking my concentration:"your Ethan right?" I looked to me left,it was Cecilia.
"Yeah,that's me" "oh cool,do you like this place?it looks a bit dead inside" "Nah,my opinion is we should've gone to that green house in the distance" I point to my left at a green house "well yeah its green what bad could it have" we both laughed "yeah its more of a harmless color don't you think" she nodded still smiling because of her prior laugh "what other harmless colors are out there?" "well by your shirt I can tell your a really nice guy" I look down at my red shirt and we both chuckled.She quickly clenched me arm and let out a scream.I put my attention back on the house there was a zombie charging at us.I quickly grabbed a gun that was on my belt,it was a lot heavier then I remember it I ran up to the thing and and shot three times until it collapsed on the floor.i turn around drop the gun,got
On my knees,and put my hands to my ears that felt like hell,I couldn't hear out of my left ear it was all just a very high pitched sound.Right then I got grabbed from behind.It was the monster.I could tell by his cold grasp.He grabbed me by neck and raised me into the air like it he was about to do is finishing move and then he dropped me and I fell right onto the concrete and landed on my forehead.I let out a bloodcurdling scream.It felt like i had broken a bone.I could see Cecilia coming from behind me to pick me up but by then my vision was already too blurry and I passed out cold.
--------------POV CHANGE --------------
That sly motherfucker I pulled my knife out of his back and cut off his head.I heard in the distance a shout and Carlos was rushing down the stairs with someone.I turn around he was holding someone in front of him in a way that made him look like he had just arrested her.She is about 4'11". She is skinny,but not too skinny with  freckles on her cheeks and some on her nose too. Hazel eyes with Long eyelashes and she had the same hair style as Cecilia with long blonde hair with light blue tips. I had to look its my job as a male human,she has a small chest but a big butt.lookinh at the lower part of her body,she is wearing high top converse with writing on them. She had black ripped skinny jeans she also had on a dirty band t-shirt. You can tell she has scars on one of her arms but they faded.she looked down in sorrow sadness."State your name!" shouted Carlos."Elizabeth" she said and collapsed on the floor

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