Execute Plan

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It was 1 day after we gave the plans that we finally received a tug from the roof after conforming the plan was a go!I started descending down the stairs into the crowd when Elizabeth grabbed my shoulder and said "Good luck" and then she hugged me tight.I nodded to everybody as if to say "it's go time!" And sneaked downstairs.There were about 5 of them in the hallway I had to act like them to get through or these merciless bastards will go 0⃣-💯 real fucking quick.I stood up as tall as I could on my tippy toes even and started walking with my hands hanging lifeless from my body and just kind of swayed around until I could get to the animal which by the way turned out to be a pack of wolves.I heard everybody get down to the car.I grabbed a stick and waved it around then threw it at the wolves.Sure enough they got mad and attacked the first thing they saw which just happened to be a zombie."NOW NOW NOW" I shouted into the Walkie talkie and ran as fast as I could toward the slowly moving car and right before I got there the door popped open I went inside and we started accelerating very quickly."WOOHOO" Everyone yelled followed by hugging and "WE DID IT" 's once we had settled down we stopped a mile away and celebrated outside for a bit it was basically a lot of talking and the drinking of some soda we found in the fridge of the house we were just at.
------------------POV CHANGE-----------
(at the celebration "party")
I sat down right next to Cecilia."That was so planned out and we executed that perfectly" she said "It must've been so boring up there on that roof,Ethan I mean atleast we had playing cards right?" We chuckled "Nah" I said "We entertained ourselves by playing a really competitive game of ISpy" she laughed.She has the sweetest laugh it's so high pitched and you can see her teeth which were pearly white.Now that I had thought about it we haven't brushed our teeth since the day the apocalypse started which was like 5 days ago."Oh yeah?,That's must've been cool" she put her head on my shoulder "We spent like 2 days on the same plan when we could've just used like an airhorn or ran around or something but Matthews was so uptight about not breaking the plan" We laughed.After a short pause I broke the silence by saying "so what do you think about the new girl Elizabeth?" She took her head of my shoulder and looked into my eyes and said "why,you got a crush on her or something?"."No" she chuckled "No she ain't my type" "be honest,Ethan" she said in a not so serious manor "no honestly she's not my type!" "oh reaaalllyyy?" She raised an eyebrow I laughed and she settled down with her head on my shoulder again "then what is your type?".I thought about it and finally said "people like you,Cecilia". "Aww" she said
-------------POV CHANGE---------------
(Still at the "party")
"OH!CC!" I shouted when I saw Cecilia's head on Ethan's shoulder."Shut up" he said.I snuck up behind Elizabeth and grabbed her from under her arm pits and held her up (Lion King Style) and she started to kick her legs in the air and I put her down and she turned around and hit me in the chest softly and with a smile on her face said "Hiya captain" she saluted "maybe we should make a highly complicated plan about how we should open the door to the car" she then opened the car door and said "whoops" I laughed alot and so did she "Let's go sit over there" she pointed to a patch of grass about 5 feet diagonally from Ethan and Cecilia "ok" we walked over there. "I gotta give it you though.It was a smart plan" she clapped slowly as we sat down in the short grass."Only the best from---the best" I bragged "Such humbleness" she joked.We laughed."I know huh.Where do you think we are gonna end up?" She blushed "No" I chuckled "I meant where do you think we are gonna get in this car,Like where will it take us?".In sudden realization "Oh,I hope it's a place with a toilet cuz I haven't pissed since like 2 days ago.then again I havnt drunken anything since right about now" she holds up a can of Soda "right.You know what's wierd" "what" "there was alcohol in the last place we were just at isn't it crazy how we didn't take any.But instead we took the sodas" "well I mean I guess that's true but I don't know how I would feel about drinking even if it is the apocalypse"."right.You know what's wierd" (In a deep-dumb voice)"you know what's wierd" she mocked "Shut up" I laughed "No but seriously you've never told any of us your backstory how did you end up in that house?" "my parents used to live there" She turned toward the night sky "before the zombies started popping out of no where.Everything went crazy and police were there and ambulances but they all got killed by those zombies too except for my dad and my mom.They told me to stay right there that they would be back in 30 minutes" a tear rolled down her face "They never returned" she wiped her face "I was stuck there surviving.I even had to make my own weapon" she  pulled out the stake she had used to kill that zombie "My dad was ran his own shop down that street.It was called 'Gunther's Wooden Goods'" In shock I said "Why don't we go over there and see if he's there" She threw down her soda can "ITS NO USE!" I grabbed her in and rested her head on my chest "Even if he was there he didn't care enough about me to come back so screw him!!" She bursts into more tears as I stroked her hair "It's fine" I opened the car door and leaned back the drivers chair "Sleep,you look like you need to get some sleep" she gets up and I do aswell and she runs right into me again "promise me you'll stick with me.Promise me you will be there for me.Promise me you guys will never abandon me." "I promise" I said as I hugged her tight.she let go and went in to sleep."OH!CC!" Said Ethan from the bench he was sitting on.

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