Abandon Ship!

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(AN- there is no ship)
I awoke by a crash sound downstairs.I ran downstairs just to see an absolute metric shit ton of those monsters I hauled ass back upstairs.I woke everybody up and after a minute or two of confusion everybody had gathered their stuff and was ready to make a break for it.We decided there were too many, if It was ever a good time to learn about these...things,it was now.I started sneaking downstairs signaling others to do the Same right then one of the things snapped his neck my way.I stopped moving.after a long 10 seconds he quickly lost interest.i made some noise I quickly made a clicking sound with my mouth.No reaction.I screamed.Little reaction but I might've just been a coincidence. "OK guys it looks like they are deaf" they can't see us right now because we are perfectly still I believe,To test my theory I took a bullet and slowly dropped it down the metal stairway making some noise but they still didn't react.I took another bullet and threw it at him.His neck did a 360 while his body was still facing the opposite direction and while looking me dead in the eye he turned around while keeping his head completely still.I waved.He attacked."GO GO RUN BACK BACK!" I signaled frantically and everybody went back upstairs in a flash I stayed on top of the stair case looking down on the rest of the stairs,still trying to test my vision based on movement theory but he went upstairs and crashed right into me and started tearing off my shirt and clothes with its long sharp nails.I gave up hope,that was it for me.I closed my eyes and let the inevitable happen.And then I hear a grunt and I quickly open my eyes to see Elizabeth with what appeared to be a sharpened stick,Like a stake,stabbing the thing right in the head and he dropped dead and fell down the stairs making a big crash noise.I didn't want to take my chances and went back inside the room where we all slept.I looked out the window...we were completely surrounded.A huge pack of the just so happened to be around when something happened like an minor earthquake and stuff is shaking they are nearby our house therefore they think that it's coming from our house.Its the only logical explanation unless they can track smell.I made a plan "there are 3 Cars,and 7 of us.a regular car can fit 5 people or 7 if we squish in,so now it's just a matter of which is the best car" We decided that the Galaxy Mercedes or at least that's what we think its called we are 14 years old its not exactly common knowledge " Ok so what we are going to do is make a distraction.Now what do these things attract to the most?" Elizabeth quickly raises her hand "I love the effort but that was a rhetorical question.Movement,and what things move a lot?" I grabbed Elizabeth's hand so she didn't get any ideas "Cars" David blurts out."Ugh what's the point" I let go of Elizabeth's hand "Animals like Panthers and bears and dogs.Right?so what we are going to do is we are going to get an animal to distract them.And how do you attract animals? Meatandsmell" I said before anybody else could even have a chance to think about it "And what are those things made out of?Meat.And do they smell very pleasant?N-" Elizabeth starts "But if it's a rhetorical question why are you answering it?" Frustration builds " Because that's how life works,ok?ok" I calm myself "Right so any minute now we can expect some animals to come up about here and we can hurt them or something that will make them go wild." I point to David and Ethan  "you'll be our watch men.If you see a big creature anywhere around us you let us know.I think we have access to the roof so that should give you a good vanity point." I point to Elizabeth and Cecilia "You two will be our getaway,When we give the signal you guys will go to the car,turn it on and unlock the doors at this point David and Ethan should be going inside the car shortly after you start it" I point to Carlos and Bruce "The two of you will be our path cleaners Your job is to make sure the road ahead is vanquished of thi- you know what no fuck calling them (in a mocking voice) things.They are zombies can we all agree on that?" Everyone nods "Good.As I was saying you guys clear the road of zombies and you guys should be the last ones in the car." "What are you gonna do then" Ethan says. "Me?Im going to try to sway through the crowd of zombies and actually go provoke the animal". "I don't know,sounds risky" said Cecilia."I can handle it" I snapped back in a way that may have sounded ruder than i thought it would "Let's go over the plan one last time.David and Ethan you two will be on the roof scouting the area for dangerous animals,When you see one tug the rope.That will be the signal for the rest of us to go and as soon as you see us leave,you guys get down to the car which should be on by the time you guys get there because Elizabeth and Cecilia will have to go open the car and start the car.At this point Carlos and Bruce should also be there clearing the road so why don't you 4 travel in a group.And I'll be provoking the animal when you hear me through the Walkie talkie that--" I think for a second "Elizabeth should have that's when you guys start accelerating slowly then I will haul ass to the car and right before I get inside have someone else open the door for me.And as soon as my body is inside that car Cecilia I want you to put the pedal to the metal and just fucking go as fast as the car possibly can.Do we all got that?" Everyone nodded and the huddle began to disperse when Ethan called everybody back in "Alright so real quick what do we call ourselves?" "The Squad" Carlos said "Nah it has to have some zombie aspects" Said Bruce "Ok how about Zombie Squad?" "No" said Cecilia "Too long"."That's what she said" Said Ethan.We all laughed."Alright how about--Z Squad"."Perfect" Said Ethan "Do we all agree then on calling ourselves Z Squad?" Everyone nods and some people say "yeah". "Alright then.Z Squad on 3" Ethan Put his hand in the middle,followed by Cecilia,Followed by Carlos,then Bruce,then David,Then Elizabeth and Finally me."1" "2" "3!" "Z SQUAD!!" We chanted.And then everybody rushed to their stations

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