Jango Settlement

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We hit the road again this time David was driving while the rest stayed in the back.I held Elizabeth tight who was still sort of sad about her family.I looked at the window as a store labeled 'Gunther's Wooden Goods' whizzed past.We kept driving until we reached a bizarre looking place.It had guards.We decided to pull up because it might be a useful place to stop at.We walked out of the car and we were halted by the guards who said "what is your business here?".we thought about it for a second and said "shelter" the guards still had their weapons pointed at us as they let us in.There were guard towers too and you could tell that the front guards and the guards in the towers somehow communicated because the guard tower had us locked in their sights like if we were a big spider on the floor.The place was beautiful it was atleast 1 Mile long diagonally and in the center of the town there was a big water fountain (with no water,cuz apocalypse) surrounded by benches.The guards redirected us towards a formal looking building but still looked like a house."Stay here" the man said as he went inside.moments later he opened the doors and we were greeted by a strange looking man.He had a white scruffy looking goatee with a yellow Hawaiian shirt and black dress pants.He looked like the type of dude that can get really serious at any moment but then be really chill at any moment too.He stared at us.He had the deadliest stare like if he could snap our necks at any second."Take a seat" I sat down whilst everybody else except for the man stood."Why are you here?" "shelter" I answered again "How did you find us?" "We just kind of stumbled upon this place".He sucked his teeth "Nobody,just stumbles upon Jango Settlement" there was a bit of silence.Then he stood up and said "If it is shelter you seek,you will get it.Men take this people to the fountain and show them they're houses." He looked back at us "We have food,water, and shelter for all of you.You will be taken to the fountain and you will drop all your weapons into the empty fountain.Then you will be picked at a house at random.You will also have roommates picked at random from your group of survivors.Please take no offense from our picks it's what we think is best." He stuck out a bony pale hand.I accepted the handshake "Welcome to Jango Settlement" He said.The guards took us to the fountain and we dropped out weapons in to there.Then they took us to an urban area,And we saw a whole bunch of people and other kids playing around being kids.We were taken to a corner that looked like it was dead."Each house has 2 Bedrooms.Which can each fit 2 people s-" "so 4 people per house" Carlos blurted out. "Yes" he agreed "This is a group of 7.So one lucky person will have there own room" He stuck out his index finger and started waving it around trying to pick someone "You" he pointed at Carlos "Since you like to be mr.smartpants and interrupt people you get the room".I couldn't tell whether Carlos was excited or sad.He again raised his finger deciding who to pick.He stopped at Me"You and...." He put up his finger "You" he pointed at Bruce."You two will be roommates in that house.He points to the house on their left.Along with..." he picks again "You and you"He points at Elizabeth and David"Will be roommates in that house,aswell" he points to the house on the left and starts picking again "Finally the last two" he points at Ethan and Cecilia "Will be roommates in the same house as that other interrupting kid" he points to the house on the right."Feel free to unpack and make yourself at home.We hope you enjoy being here"

"I don't know about this, Bruce it seems to good to be true we should get out of here" "are you crazy?!This place is awesome they got guards and shelters and people!Other human beings!" "We've spent a week by ourselves and I liked not being ruled by adults" "I don't like to be ruled by adults Either but sacrifices must be made" "Come on.Please" "Fine but when we regret this we arnt going to let you live it down".We knocked on everybody's door and made sure everybody was ready to go I went back into the office with the "Mayor" of Jango settlement works I guess.I knocked on it.After a couple of knocks,he opened the door."What is it?" "We want to leave" he chuckled "Jango Settlement is supposed to be a super secret place.Its totally off the radar.We can't take that many more people until we expand more.You kids are just well,Kids you can't handle yourselves out there.Just enjoy the fact that you have food and water and shelter and can socialize.Nobody leaves Jango Settlement.Once you enter you can never go back out" He looked at me with his deadly stare "Guards bring this gentleman and his group of friends back to their houses"

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