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I was woken up by the blinding light from the hospital curtain being pulled open, the nurse smiled at me, her face full of pity and she walked out of the small room. I groaned and brought my hands up to my eyes and blocked out the sunlight. I glanced over to my mom who was lying still and asleep in the bed beside me. I grabbed her hand and placed a gentle kiss to the back of her hand, dropping it gently and got up from my position in the chair beside her bed.

I grabbed my bag that was set on the floor next to the chair, and I picked out some clothes that were in desperate need of a good wash.I cringed as I brought them up to smell, I rolled my eyes and walked over to the bathroom in the room. I looked into the small mirror that poorly hung on the wall I winced as I caught the first glimpse of my condition. I had forgotten to wash the makeup off from the night before, I turned the faucet and washed off the remaining smudge that I had called makeup. I shrugged off my shirt and placed a loose tank top on, not bothering to make sure it was considered school appropriate. If my mother could see what I was wearing she would roll her eyes and laugh at my ripped jeans and leather jacket. I was a cliche, what can I say?

I grabbed the notepad on her nightstand and wrote a simple 'good morning' and drew a smiley face just below it. After giving her one last glace I opened the door and grabbed my bookbag walking out of the room. I made my way down the now too familiar hallway and smiled at the passing doctors and nurses. I waved at Miranda, she had been the kindest women in this whole place. The doctors had also been so suportive and helpful yet she was like family after all this time.

My mother had been diagnosed with Lymphoblastic Leukemia, which was a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes too many lymphocytes; a type of white blood cell. She had to get chemotherapy and I knew she was getting worse with time, yet I did not want to accept it. The doctors knew the chemo was not aiding her health much, but they knew how much she meant to me so that continued to try and help her.

I had to continue on like nothing was wrong, and I had an amazing poker face. It had become my new reality, my new self. I was the one who didn't care about anything, the rebel. I cared deeply about the school, I owed that much to my mom to not let me go. I wanted to make something of myself and not become a mess when she was gone, the reality was harsh and no matter how much I hated it it was mine.

When my mom was awake during the day she would always ask how I was doing, no matter how shitty her life was she cared about others. It was something I admired about her, something I wish I had more of. She inspired my each day to try to become more like her, and to not become bitter or angry towards the world due to her sickness.

After leaving the back door of the hospital, I grabbed my bike which was set just along the wall and locked into place. I couldn't have afforded a car even if I wanted one, I wanted to make sure any charges from the hospital were directed towards my mother and not some stupid bills I didn't need while in high school. I hopped on and drove off out of the alleyway, I had never told anyone about where I practically lived. The nurses were understanding towards me not wanting to be alone at home and allowed me to stay with my mom even when the visiting hours were done.

The school became closer in my view and I groaned internally, pulling into the driveway and making my way to the bike locks. I locked it up and made my way to the entrance of the school. I grabbed my headphones and placed them into my ears, blocking out any noise from the other students and I walked to the middle hallway of the main floor. My locker being right beside a bunch of stupid jocks who thought they were amazing, sleeping with a new girl every week. I rolled my eyes seeing yet another one blocking my locker while practically shoving his tongue down a girl's throat.

"Move" I demanded not giving them another glance. "I said move." I said rolling my eyes, and they finally pulled apart giving me dirty looks before walking off down the corridor.

I placed my bag in the small metal encasement and grabbed my books for my first two classes, I had Psychology in the morning and Math after the short break we had. I made my way to my first-period class and was met with Luca. He was one of my closest friends, the only one who actually knew almost everything about me. We were practically siblings, his father had been friends with my own mother and once she had gotten sick he had been a father to me. While my own dad was a coward and left once my mom was sick, he stayed with open and supportive arms which I gladly took.

"You excited to be back? I know you could barely go the week without looking at my beautiful face!" He exclaimed as I snorted at his statement, slapping my arm gently he plastered the best-offended look he could manage before letting out a small laugh.

I had to admit he was extremely attractive, but he wasn't someone I could ever see myself with as he was practically my brother and I wasn't into guys. Oh, shocker there. I wasn't another straight girl who fell for her best friend.

"I'm so excited to be back in this lovely place they like to call a school" I joked as we walked into the doorway to the classroom. We thankfully had a few classes together, we were very different yet our interests seemed to clash together and we found common ground on those various topics.

I grabbed my seat towards the back and he sat in front of me yet turned his body towards my desk and his eyes seemed to widen.

"I forgot to tell you I finally got Beyond Two Souls" He announced and my eyes took their own turn to widen, "I know you wanted to play it, so you up for it later?"

"Oh my god! I would love t-" I started yet managed to get cut off seconds after.

"I know you can't on Mondays but sometime this week? Please?" He asked his lip turning into a pout and I laughed at his best puppy dog expression.

"Fine" I chuckled, rolling my eyes as his fist came to meet mine before the lesson began.

Time for an hour of brain activity, which wouldn't be coming from my end.


[A/N: Okay if anyone is reading this, I will be writing one chapter in Keegan's POV then the same chapter in Daniella's POV. You probably won't miss much but I wanted a way to make it longer and this was it, also it expressed their personal feelings better than way, and also Daniella's home life mastters in the future.]

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