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[A/N: These three past chapters have been Keegan, and they will mostly continue to be. Unless something major happens with Daniella]


My phone was ringing from somewhere inside the room, and I couldn't find it. The clutter from the mess was unreal so I let it ring, not bothering to get up. Eventually, the obnoxious sounds stopped and I sighed loudly. I got up, my head was pounding and my face felt tight.

I walked to the door, and as I opened it the light blinded me and I felt my head get worse. I walked down the stairs and made my way into the kitchen, reaching into the cupboard and grabbed a bottle of Advil taking two and putting them on the counter for easy access. I looked around the house, in the fridge to see if there was any food that I needed to throw away due to my absence. I saw some pre-packaged salad and I quickly grabbed it and tossed it into the garbage can, not bothering to do a smell check knowing it had gone bad.

I grabbed the kettle and poured some water into it, before turning on the burner and putting it to boil. I grabbed a mug and placed a tea bag inside of it, Chamomille was supposed to aid with stress or help someone feel relaxed which I could use at the moment. I then waited for the water to finish boiling.

I had sat down on the stool in front of the island in the kitchen and I was looking at the photos on the wall and I felt myself get lost in them. I could remember each photo as though the events had just taken place, I then was brought out from my memories by the loud screeching sound of the water boiling. I walked over to the burner and shut it off, then moved on to pour it into the mug on the counter.

I sat down on the couch in the middle of the chaos I had caused, the house was a mess and I tried moving different shards of glass to not cut myself again. I knew I would have to clean it all up, and eventually pack everything up. I couldn't pay for a house by myself, and I didn't know where I would stay. Luca's father would probably offer his home and I felt incredibly guilty already knowing he would do so.

I decided against being productive and flipped on the television and watched some stupid reality tv show. I sipped on the boiling tea and felt it burn down my throat with every sip I took. Something had caught my eye in the corner of the room, it was our family photo album. I smiled sadly and walked over to it sat down and then I picked it up.

I opened it and saw the first page was photos of my mother and father together, each picture had a title and the first one was their first date. My father had been a photographer and loved to document everything, so that was probably how that photo had been developed. The next photo was a few months into their relationship when they had gone ice skating together. My mom had told that story so many times before, it was one of her fondest memories of her and my dad. 

The next photo was a year into their dating experience and they were on a road trip together. It was a photo of my mom laughing in the car, the photo was clearly not staged and you could tell by how genuine her smile was. The next few pictures were key events, like when they moved in together, when they had their first fight, when they made up, visiting each others families, and when my father proposed. Every picture built up the anticipation for the next, and then eventually a couple pages in it was when I was born.

I felt myself frown, not wanting to go any further in the book. At least not now, I shut it and put it back on the shelf near the tv. I groaned as I felt my stomach churn, I felt nauseous as I ran upstairs to the bathroom. I threw up and I felt my head spinning. Then nothing.


I woke up on the bathroom floor, minutes later or had it been longer. I couldn't keep track of time when I wasn't awake, weird I know. I then shakily got up and walked to my room, laying down again. I felt terrible, inside and out. I just wanted to sleep and that's what I did. 

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