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The week passed and I had stayed locked up in my house, my phone rang until the battery died and the landline had been broken. I hadn't gone out, barely eaten other than random food that was locked in the freezer and pre-packaged food in the cupboards.

I woke up and it was Friday, I finally felt emotionless. I had managed to do nothing for a week or so other than cleaning up the glass from the floor. I hadn't bothered cleaning the mess in my room or living room, if it wasn't dangerous I couldn't be bothered.

I got up and showered seeing my reflection for the first time in the week. My eyes were puffy and bloodshot, as well as the extreme bags under them. I attempted to cover my face with light makeup, then ate a granola bar and apple that hadn't gone bad. I had to do groceries after school because the thought of leaving the house itself was difficult. I only had one day then I had the weekend, then back to my regular routine. If I even had a routine anymore, I had always gone to the hospital straight after school.

I walked to school, not caring that I was probably going to be late and I felt bad in one moment for not bothering to check up with Luca or his father. Speaking of Luca, his car pulled up on the sidewalk and I groaned internally not wanting to deal with him. I was an expert at avoiding my problems yet I had to speak with him finally. He got out of the vehicle and didn't bother speaking.

"Come here," He said softly and I couldn't put up a fight, and I pulled him into a hug. "I'm so sorry Kay, I really am" He whispered and I felt my eyes clamp shut to avoid any smudging of my makeup.

"It's fine, I'm okay" I lied, and he knew I was but didn't bother questioning it. I got in the truck and he drove off.


After I had arrived at school people legitimately looked shocked to see me arrive, and I felt their eyes burn into the back of my head. I rolled my eyes, as I saw another guy kissing all over a girl. I stepped in front of them, and they pulled away looking slightly scared.

I opened my locker, only to find it being shut aggressively.

"What the hell Keegan? Seriously, you just blow me off," I heard Daniella rant on and on about the project. I wanted to strangle her at that exact moment, yet settled by pressing her against the locker harshly. She made a slight squeak sound and I didn't say anything. Just let her go, and she ran out of the hallway.

I sighed feeling slightly bad, I had blown her off and I didn't like giving up on school, but the stress had built up and I kept it inside for almost two weeks. I was proud I hadn't killed her on the spot.

I walked to my first period of the day and explained to my teacher why I hadn't been at school, and I apologized yet she seemed to understand and simply gave me the work and apologized to me. I rolled my eyes, not wanting to deal with any more pity from anyone. Yet it stayed the same as I explained to each teacher what had happened and they all had the same reaction.

I walked outside for the Lunch hour and was met with Luca underneath the tree.

"How are you feeling?" He said rubbing my knee sympathetically. He knew I was going through a tough time dealing with emotions and I shrugged.

"I jus-" I stopped as my voice cracked, "I miss her a lot" I frowned down at the grass.

"I know Kay, I know," He said sadly and pulled me into a hug.

But no one knew how I felt. No one could understand how much I would give anything to only have my mother back next to me.


As lunch was finished I had finally composed myself and made my way to science. I was not in the mood to deal with Daniella, I felt bad but at the same time she had no idea what the hell I had gone through. I hadn't just blown off school completely. I walked over to Mr. Macdonald who was about to greet me then I explained why I had missed his class and he apologized for what had happened but did not give me pity which I was grateful for. I gave him a sad smile then returned to my seat.

Daniella walked in, looking slightly frightened as she saw me sitting at my seat acting as though nothing had happened. I turned to her, as she sat down.

"I'm sorry about earlier" I began and she looked as though she was listening to I continued "I didn't mean to frighten you or hurt you" I whispered the last part.

"I-" She began and composed herself "What were you out skipping school for?" She asked and I knew she had no idea how it hurt. Those words hurt, even though they shouldn't have they did.

"I was not skipping school" I snapped, wanting to take back my apology. But I was going to be the better person, I was not going to stay bitter. I told myself that.

Before she had time to respon to my bitchy comment the lesson started and I breathed out in relief, glad she couldn't get another word in. 

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