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The first few periods of the day were slow to say the least, my tired state was not aiding the fact that learning new material made my brain slower than usual. I walked out the doors to make my way to Luca and I's spot. We hated eating in the cafeteria, which was clear after the spaghetti incident. Luca had promised me never to speak about it again, but I sadly had not kept that promise whenever embarrassing moments were in conversation. He had tripped over someone's foot and his food landed on Jerome, a transfer student from France and Luca honestly turned the color of a tomato. He had been so embarrassed and wanted to help, yet he ran off not wanting to embarrass himself in front of some cute boy.

Luca was straight, don't misquote me. Yet he had some weird man crush on him ever since he has started speaking French in our stupid post intensive french class. I had never seen anyone so fascinated with another language as he was because he found it 'attractive when someone spoke the language of love'. Let's just say Luca was a fan of the romance genre of books and movies.

I sat down beneath the large oak tree which was behind the school, the shade providing a nice cool spot away from the heat. Luca ran over and sat down next to me just as I began to pull out my lunch.

"Guess what Daniella did now?" He whisper-shouted and I rolled my eyes.

Daniella Richmond one of the popular girls who went to our school. Her name was quite ironic considering she was very wealthy, or her family was. She was the epitome of what a 'stereotypical white girl'. She made sure she looked good before anything else mattered, she had a different boyfriend every other week and made sure she had her Starbucks coffee every morning. Hey, nothing against anyone who likes that sort of life, it just wasn't my cup of tea.

"Who knows? Did she get a new boyfriend or something?" I scoffed, taking a giant bite of my apple and chewed it slowly as Luca gossiped my ear off.

"Well for starters she does have a new boyfriend, Ricky whatever his last name is. And she's been in such a bitchy mood lately. Maybe she's on her pe-"

He didn't have the time to finish his sentence before I punched his arm and he laughed muttering a 'just kidding' under his breath.

"As I was saying, she pretty much slapped Kelsey in the face this morning" He finished.

I choked on the small piece of apple I had still been eating,

"What? Seriously, oh my god!" I exclaimed between coughing fits and he nodded eagerly like a small child being offered candy.

"I saw everything unfold, and someone got it on video" He said handing me his phone with the video on the screen. I took the phone, contemplating whether or not I should be a part of the cycle.

I locked his phone, tossing it to his side.

"I believe you, I just don't want to see or be a part of this stupid thing" I shook my head and took another bite of my fruit.

"Whatever, it was awesome."

We sat in silence as we finished our food, the bell ringing shortly after our meaningless conversation which was thankfully drama free. I got up and tugged Luca's arm to help him as well and we walked to our classes. I had Physics and he had drama, which is where we were different. He loved the arts as I was more interested in sciences.

I walked into my science class and sat down to my assigned seat and the lesson began. Throughout the period, our teacher had given us a chapter to read and some worksheets due for homework. Daniella walked in later, attracting everyone's eyes and some gasps and whispers were heard from the back of the room.

"Daniella, nice of you to join us. Take your seat, and you'll get started with the worksheets" Mr MacDonald said as she made her way to the desk next to mine, she hadn't said a word yet and I was intending for it to stay that way.

"Don't you have a damn worksheet to be working on" She snapped at everyone in the class, as she took her seat, slouching in her chair slightly. I focused my eyes back on my own sheet and started solving the equations again before I felt something tapping on my shoulder.

"Sorry, but do you have a pencil I could borrow?" Daniella asked quietly, and for a second I felt sympathetic of the girl, she looked exhausted yet I knew she had snapped at her best friend previously. I nodded, grabbing one out of my bag and I handed it to her. "Thank you, Keegan right?"

"Yup, that's me" I whispered back and she nodded as the teacher cleared his throat to get us to stop talking and I shifted my eyes back to my sheet and began again. Where was I? Oh, physics.

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