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[A/N: Short chapter and slight trigger warning. It does not go into detail however this chapter suggests slight assault. Read at your own caution]


As the last bell of the day signaled we could leave this place I grabbed my English binder and walked over to my locker placing everything in it. I walked down the hallway to make my way out the doors, I saw Keegan walked fast with headphones in her ears.

I had the opportunity to take in her appearance quickly before she walked away and I looked effortless and like she spent hours deciding what to wear. She was that kind of person, and I liked it.

I shook the thoughts from my mind and was met with Alex, I wanted to throw up yet he managed to catch up to and grabbed my arm roughly.

"You're coming with me babe" He whispered and a shiver ran down my spine, it was not a good one either. I hated him with everything I had, he was a discusting human being. He had always forced himself upon me which was why I tried getting out of the house as often as I could, either than or I would lock my bedroom door hoping to god he couldn't get in.

I lived in fear, which was why I seemed to intimidate people around me. I knew how they felt when I walked into a room, and I hated that I had that effect on people but loved it all the same.

He shoved me into the passenger seat and I felt a groan escape from the back of my throat, I wanted to scream until the windows cracked. But it wasn't a movie.

He drove off in the direction of our house and he kept whispering dirty words and I wanted nothing more than to strangle his stupid smirking face, I sighed in relief as I saw our parents were home. Not that they would believe me anyway but I knew with them home he wouldn't try anything.

I ran out of the car and he made no effort to chase after me, so I ran up to my room and locked the door. I dropped my face into the soft pillow and cried, I had lost track of time before I felt my phone vibrate beside me.

I sniffled and picked it up, seeing it was another innapropriate photo from yet another douche. I felt gross and used, yet I knew I was the main reason for my sleeping around.

I enjoyed it, and I definitely was not gay.

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