chapter 5: Lets save Puck!

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Sabrina's pov

Baba Yaga's! I felt fear choking me up,but I said anything , so I swallowed my fear and put a strong look on my face. " Ok," I said " Lets go,but first lets gather some things that we could offer as payment, cause who knows what crazy thing she might ask for!" They all nodded in agreement and started rushing around for magical items.

Since I can't touch magic , I told Daphne where my one hidden magic item was. It was a ring that made normal food in an instant. It really came in handy after a night of picking at Granny's weird food and going to bed hungry.

I really didn't want to give it up, but, I also didn't want to give Puck up either,and I'd take him rather than some ring that cooks for you.

After we finished,Dad picked puck up and we all got in the car. Uncle Jake was driving , so the car wasn't being cranky.Once we got there my dad pulled a wheel barrol from the trunk and dumped puck in it . Then with Granny leading the way, ew started our trip to Baba Yaga's house.


Once we arrived Granny made sure that we had our offers and knocked the knocker. No one answered. She knocked again, still no answer.Seriously! I think she freaks people out on purpose!

Granny opened the door and walked inside " Old Mother? Old Mother we need you." She said. No one answered. " Old Mother?We have an offer to make." With that she appeared from out of nowhere infront of Granny.

" What kind of offer?" She asked in a creepy way. Granny laid out all the stuff we collected and she addmired each one very slowly. Finally she set them down after what seemed like forever. " Alright I'll do it for this payment and a drop of Sabrina's blood. Oh, ok. WAIT WHAT!SHE WANTS MY BLOOD!NO WAY! NUH UH! I'M NOT GIVING HER MY PRECIOUS BLOOD! THE - I was cut off from my thoughts by my whole family agreeing.

I just stared at them in a 'HOLY CRAP! WHY ARE YOU AGREEING TO GIVE MY BLOOD ' Way.They all looked at me casually as if this were an easy thing to do. " Sabrina you told us you would do anything to save him." My Uncle Jake said. I just glared at him . " Fine, but make it quick." I said , holding out my arm.

With the quick swipe of a blade and a motion of a vile going up to my arm, she had that precious drop of MY blood.Then she started poking around Puck. She even grabbed his tongue and checked it like she did with me! Good times, Good times. Wait what!That was horrible!Waking up to find that one of your worst enemies has stuck their hand in your mouth and is looking at your tongue . Horrible!

After she was done she mumbled something and turned back to us. " He's going to die," With that we all started whimpering and unbidden tears of sadness left my eyes. STUPID TEARS!! GO AWAY! NOW MY FAMILY WILL KNOW I LOV- I mean feel bad for what I did, yeah, that's it.

" Oh, shut up you big babies, I haven't finished. What I was trying to say was that I put a spell on him that makes it to where the person who did this to him has to admit their true feelings and 3 deepest darkest secrets in front of at least two hundred people." She said. " Now shoo." She shooed us out and slammed the door.

"Come on, we should go ask Mayor Snow if we could have a town meeting for this." Said Uncle Jake. We started walking down the path in an awkward silence. I was to deep in my thoughts to care though, I had to say all that personal stuff in front of people! Oh dear, this is awful! The day that was supposed to be my best day ever turned into the worst! Oh, what have I done?!

We must've stopped , because we were at the car and Puck was already being stuffed in the trunk. " Sabrina? Are you ok?" Said Daphne. " No" My voice cracked, and I started to cry. " Hold on, back the truck up! Are you crying? Because Sabrina Grimm doesn't cry. She  pushes her emotions back and does what she feels is right. She  puts others before herself. She especialy doen't cry! So suck it up and get in that car with cofidence ." My tears must of dried in her talk and I was shocked by her firmness .

I got up and  walked to the car with my head high. " Lets save Puck." I said



 Hey, im sorry fo the underlining . it just wouldn't go away. so just deal with it. any ways,

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                                                    -billionIQ_blonde <3

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