Chapter 6 : Talking to Mayor Snow

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When we pulled up to Mayor Snow's manshion we all got out and stretched, I still looked brave in the face but on the inside I was TOTALLY FREAKING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, like, how am I going to tell that many people all my emotions and secrets?! I TOTALLY HATE BABA YAGA NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I keep saying 'totally' now and its kinda freaking me out.

Man , this whole thing is making me go crazy, I just wish Puck was here. Wow, now I know I'm crazy, I just said that I want Puck! The King of Being a Pain in the Butt! HA!!!! Then I was interupted from my thoughts by Daphne.

" Sabrina? What are you thinking about?" She said while giving me a quizzical look. " Nothing" I mumbled. She just shrugged. We started walking to the front door. When we got there , we knocked and it was answered right away by none other than Snow.

Snow , from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, was a beautiful woman. She looked just as she was described in the movies and books but better in real life. She had curly midnight black hair that reached her shoulders, Rosy cheeks, blood red lips, and sky blue eyes that sparkle when she's happy. ( Which is pretty much almost always)

" Oh hello! Come in!" She said cheerfully . We all gladly came in. My dad and Jake had stuffed Puck in a large trash bag before we came to the door and now Snow was staring at it quizzicaly. " What's that?" She said , pointing at the bag.

" Well we need you to do us favor. But we'll explain first." Granny said. Snow nodded and pointed to the couches . So we all sat down and explained everything.



Guess What!!!!!!!!!!??????????????

SIKE!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS NOT AN AUTORS NOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL LOL LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'D


After we were done explaining she looked at us with warmth and understanding. Phew! I thought she would look at us like we were crazy. " Oh I understand, I tried getting revenge once and it went horribly wrong. I tried taking Billy's blankey away once and hiding it and - OH! ": She quickly covered her mouth and blushed.

We were all fighting back the lagheter that was threatening to spill from our lips. I finally found enough streangth to keep it back and talk, " No, now you have to tell us because we know now." I said smirking. She sighed and started talking.

" Well it all started when he told me that I can't do guy thing like revenge, So I started planning. I planed to get revenge , but in a girly way. Just to prove that girls have their own ways. So he has this blankey that he can't live without. Its purple with little rainbows all over it, and I took it and hid it in the washer. Then , when he got home and went to bed, I was in the Kitchen eating oreos, I heard a whiney scream, so I ran up stairs acting worried and when I got there I almost died of laghter , he was on the floor in a ball screaming ' BLANKEY! BLANKEY WHERE ARE YOU!?' It was hilarious!

But, I had to give it back because I couldn't sleep with his screaming." She said with a sigh. " But hey, I still freaked him out, didn't I? " She said with a smile. So of course I will help you . What day do you want to do it?" She asked with a sweet smile. Every body looked to me. I wanted to get this over with fast so I said " Tomarrow" And everyone agreed.



Hi everyone! I made a funny chapter to make up for all the dramatic emotion stuff. :)


A Sisters Grimm Fanfiction: Sabrina's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now