24: Under the Sea

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A dark evil thought occurred to me. That thought was to end with the previous chapter. Sorry, dark side, but my thiefshipping is too strong.

Marik was pulled all the way to the grotto and was finally released. Marik had tears streaming down his face. Ishizu approached him in attempt to comfort him, but he smacked her across the face without a second thought, knocking her off balance (underwater........).
"WHY, ISHIZU?!" He said through gritted teeth. "WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST STAY OUT OF IT!?"

Ishizu was shocked at Marik's sudden anger. She knew he'd be upset, but was still surprised. "Marik, I was just-"


"Marik, you do remember that Father got killed because one of your past decisions, right? Bakura's the one who brought you here, anyway!"

Marik wanted strangle her but Odion held him back. "Bakura was the only one who actually gave a damn about me! You never stop to think about what I want!"

"Marik, what you want is dangerous!"

Marik's tears continued to run down his face, but he calmed down a bit. "Ishizu, I'm sorry I hit you, I just............." He dropped to the ground. "Oh, Ra!" He began crying again. Ishizu and Odion sat beside him, comforting him, but he was more upset than when all his human items were taken away.
His heart felt like it'd been torn in half. The fact that Bakura had been the one to throw him back in just killed him inside. "Ishizu, there was no way he made that decision on his own, right? He was probably hypnotized, or brainwashed, or-"

"Marik," she pulled him into a tight hug. "He was only trying to protect you."

Marik sniffled. He didn't want to believe it was entirely Bakura's decision to bring him back. "He wouldn't...he'd never....."

Ishizu stroked his hair. "I know what'll make you feel better!" Odion smiled. "A song parody!"

"Uh, Odion...." Ishizu frowned. "We don't sing. Besides, what songs are left?"

"THE OVERDUE ONE! The catchiest song in the entire original movie that we skipped! FOR SOME REASON!" Odion said.

"What song are you talking about?"

He ignored her. "Master Marik," he said to him. "Life on the shore is a mess! Trust me, down here in the sea, is much better than anything they've got up there!"

"What are you-"

Prepare for an overdue song parody, readers.

Ba da ba ba ba ba da ba ba da, ba da da da da da da da da.

"The seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake, you dream about going up there, but that is a big mistake!" He sang. "Just look at the world around you, right here on the ocean floor! Such wonderful things around you! What more are you looking for? Oh-oh!"
Marik cheered up a bit with each note.
"Under the sea," fish began to gather and join in the song. "Under the sea! Darling, it's better down where it's wetter, take it from me!"
He smiled as the fish played themselves as instruments. "Up on the shore, they work all day! Out in the sun they slave away, while we're devoting full time to floating, under the sea!"

While Marik was distracted, Ishizu snuck away from the grotto and headed toward Melvin's lair. He had to had left behind something they could use.
I can't believe Marik slapped me, though! She thought. He's definitely an Ishtar, I'll admit.

She reached the dark cavern and heard some rustling inside. She hid behind a wall, hoping to not be seen by whoever was inside. She heard glass potion bottles clinking, and she peered around the corner to see who it was.

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