You confuse me

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I woke up with Annabella's arm over my face and her legs tangled with mine. I removed her from me and went to take a shower. I got dressed in a white V-neck, leggings, and black converse. Annabella took a shower and decided to wear a black halter top, dark blue skinny jeans, and black pumps. We grabbed our bags and went downstairs.

The guys were passed out on the ground and Cole and Lacey were snuggling on the couch.

We went to kitchen to get some water then headed out to buy breakfast. By breakfast, I mean coffee. We went to Starbucks.

"Hello. I'm Jaclyn and what would you like to order?" She smiled sincerely.

"Can I get a venti iced caramel macchiato layered and a venti caramel frap?" I smiled back.

"Sure. Your name ma'am?"

"No need for ma'am. We're practically the same age. I'm Kristine."

"Nice to meet you and they'll call your name up when your drinks are ready. Anything else?"

"3 blueberry scones." I added.

"Okay. That will be $16.84."

I handed her the money and let her keep the change.

"Thank you." I said.

I got my order and handed Annabella her caramel frap. We went to school and went to the quad.

"Hey guys." Annabella smiled.

"Where's mine?" My brother pouted.

"I got you a scone. I didn't know what drink you wanted so..." I smiled nervously.

"It's cool baby sis. I'll take that blueberry scone."

"How'd you know it was blueberry?"

"I know you sis."

I pouted. "Whatever."

"Ooh can I have some?" Damon asked.

"Of what?" I asked.

"Your drink. Caramel macchiato right?"

"Yeah." I chuckled.

"Can I have some?" He pouted.

"No way bro. My sister never ever shared her Starbucks drink with anyone. Not even to her ex's or friends." My brother laughed.

"Shut up" I pouted.

"So can I?" Damon asked.

"I don't know.."

"Really Kristine? It's just coffee."

"Just coffee? Just coffee? If it's just coffee, you can forget about having a sip." I turned back to him.

"Sassy as always." Cole laughed.

"Hey you guys stayed. I don't understand why but you did. Thank you." I kissed Damon's cheek.

He blushed. "Aw is little Damon blushing?" Annabella cooed.

"No....." He said but it wasn't very convincing.

"It's okay Damon." I laughed.

"Ugh girls. Why girls?" He groaned.

"Why not girls? I mean if girls didn't exist, you all would be less horny or go gay so be grateful." Annabella retorted and I laughed.

All the guys glared at us. "What? its funny and true." They all scoffed.

I walked around school with Damon before class started. We talked about random things then the bell rang and I walked to class and so did he. I walked into calculus.

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