Chapter 9

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Picture of Ben!

Enjoy the chapter :D


Sam's P.O.V

It's been a week since I met Athena's friends and I've been hanging out with them ever since. They're great people and Lottie fits right in but I can't say the same for me. I feel like the runt of the group, the one they have to include because I'm closer to Lottie and Athena. That's probably not their intention but my lack of talking skills brings these thoughts on. I know it's up to me to change that about myself but I haven't talked in so many years and I don't think I'm ready to start honestly. I don't even think I'm ready to hear myself.

"So your brother goes to St Michael's high?" Athena asks, turning to face me.

I nod my head, a frown appears on her lips and she turns to face the road. I raise my brow in confusion, wondering why the sudden change in attitude. She turns to face me again noticing my confused expression and smiles.

"What?" She asks innocently.

I roll my eyes I knew she was trying to play dumb but I can tell she was wary about going to Ben's school. I don't press on the issue though, if she doesn't want to talk about it then I won't force her.

The rest of the car ride is in comfortable silence, Athena was humming to the songs that was playing on the radio which was surprisingly relaxing while I watched her. For gods sakes I sound like an creep but when there's the most beautiful person you've ever seen right next to you, you can't help it. I must of zoned out still staring at her because the sound of my name startled me. I looked at Athena to see amusement and confusion in her face, her expression turned to curiosity and she leans towards me.

"You've been staring at me this entire car ride."

I roll my eyes again and face the other way to hide my embarrassment.

"We're here anyway."

She leans back in her seat and smirks to herself, obviously loving the fact I sent her googily eyes the entire trip here.  I look outside and watch school kids exiting the school with their group of friends. They all look so carefree, laughing and talking with their friends. I wait patiently, tapping my fingers to the music while Athena waits with a scowl on her face. Wasn't she happy just five seconds ago? 

"Where the hell is he?" She asks impatiently, even though we've only been waiting for five minutes. I just shrug Ben won't take long.

I turn my attention back to the school and see Ben talking to some guy I don't recognize. He's taller than him and has a darker tan. He appears to be laughing at what Ben said and a hint of sparkle appears in his eyes. I got out the car and walk towards them so Ben knows i'm here. He turns to my direction and smiles, he briefly hugs the boy he was talking too saying his goodbyes then walks up to me with a wide grin on his face. His eyes were a brilliant bright blue and his cheeks were pink as if he's been blushing.

"Hey." Ben greets.

I give a quick wave not feeling comfortable with being surrounded by school kids, then gesture towards the boy Ben was talking too. 

"Hmm?" His eyes widen a little in realization. "Oh him! His name's Micah, he's a friend of mine."

'I've never seen him before.' I sign.

"Micah's new, he just came here a week ago and i've been assigned to make him feel welcomed."

'How is he?'

Ben blushes but tries to play it off with a shrug. "He's cool, I mean not as marvelous as me of course but you catch my drift."

I roll my eyes and nudge him with my elbow playfully.

"Pfft don't elbow me." He elbows me back and smiles at me, letting me know he's only joking."So where are we off too again?"

Athena's P.O.V

I watch Sam and his brother joking around and talking as they walk towards my car. Seeing the way their clear blue eyes light up when they're with each other is heart warming to watch. You can tell straight away how close they are, it kinda reminds me of myself and my brother. I've never seen Sam look so relaxed before, it's the side that I really want to get to know.

This is the real him.

But while they're having their little banter I can feel myself sink lower and lower into my thoughts. This school brings back alot of painful memories which I'd rather just forget. All the staring like I'm a disease, the name calling, the hair pulling, pushing, kicking, punching, slapping, pranking.. All of it just comes back to me.

Lucas only hangs out with you because you're rich, you don't think he really cares about you do you?

You're nothing without the twins.

You're just a ugly little slut that would open their legs to the entire football club.





I'm worthless.

A knock on the window pulls me out my thoughts and I wind the window down.

"Um.. hello? Are you okay?" Ben asks.

"Yeah.. Hey I just spaced out for a second, get in."

Ben just shrugs and tries to sit in the front seat but Sam pulls him back by his shirt, causing him to topple over. Sam opens the door and sits next to me. Ben sits at the back with a scowl on his face.

I roll my eyes and smile, this kid is really cute. He has brown hair and but clear blue eyes like Sam. Their eyes are so clear that it looks almost white in the sunlight. He has pale skin and a baby face. He'd look so adorable if it wasn't for the deep scowl that was forming on his face.

I start the car and begin to drive them home. The first few minutes was silent but I decided to break it.

"So what's your name?"

"Ben or Benny to my friends. Sam doesn't talk about me?" He teases.

Sam takes that opportunity to sign something to Ben, I got Naser to start teaching me so I can communicate with Sam better. Luckily it was just one word so I know what he said.


Ben pouts and I chuckle at his reaction.
"He has actually."

"Ohh! What did he say?"

Sam looks at me alarmed, shaking his head. It seems he doesn't want me to say anything but I don't know why, Ben is his brother after all and they seem close.

"He says how much he cares about you all the time. How you brighten his day when he has a hard time in college, lots of stuff really." I smirk.

"Okay I feel better about sitting in the back now." He grins.

Sam just sits there clearly embarrassed.

"You have reached your destination."

"Is this your house?" I ask.

Sam nods, the slight blush still tickling his cheeks. He gets out the car with Ben following close behind him. They both wave to me and I wave back, once they get inside I leave and make the way to my house.


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