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The last time they had seen each other was the evening of February, twenty third, two thousand and fourteen. It was a few hours after Sam Johnson had poignantly yelled, "Cut! Print it!" The cast and crew had applauded, yelled and hugged each other in jubilation. A lifetime ago.

Dakota's pacing around the polished marble flooring released nervous tension. She had barely been at the airport ten minutes but nearly eight months of silence, of waiting, was culminating in that moment.

She was wearing a very short form fitting, off shoulder, black leather dress that flared out after hugging her slim waistline. As she looked up to check flight arrival screens for possibly the hundredth time, she saw Jamie walk towards her in faded blue designer jeans and pale blue shirt. The first two buttons of his shirt were undone and sleeves rolled up to show off muscular arms decorated by a network of veins. The custom fitted casual look showed off Jamie's masculine, athletic, physique.

"¡Santo cielo!" she muttered 'Oh my goodness!' in Spanish under her breath as her heart lurched at the sight of him. "Be still my beating heart," she admonished herself silently.

"Hey Jamie, welcome to Santa Monica," Dakota exclaimed as she stepped closer then suddenly stopped uncertain before reaching him.

His exposed pulsating muscular arms made Dakota's blush, unconscious muscle memory at the pleasure she had felt being held in those very arms. To distract herself, Dakota mentally envisioned the Periodic table and taking a deep breath silently recited some elements, "hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon..."

The chartered plane had landed at one of the private air fields. Since the release of the movie trailer three months earlier on July, twenty fourth, two thousand and fourteen, the two of them were facing increasing media attention. The two and a half minute movie trailer had become the biggest online launch in history!

Dakota had chosen a private airport with security that kept paparazzi away from executive clientele. Her parents often used that airport for privacy from autograph seekers. How times had changed! With new media, intrusion on celebrities was a lot more pervasive than when her parents were A-list Hollywood celebrities. Dakota thought Jamie would appreciate a meeting without the jostling and flashing bulbs of high definition cameras.

After eight months, he was with her, in the flesh, exuding raw masculine sexuality. How she had missed him. Now that the hour had arrived, Dakota was rooted to the floor she was impatiently pacing just seconds before.

Jamie's raised an eye brow at Dakota's muted welcome. His relaxed demeanour, familiar comedic facial expression made Dakota dissolve into giggles that reduced some of the nervous tension at seeing him again, in the flesh.

"Your giggles bubble over like a fresh water stream," he remarked laughing. "And contagious too," he added in his deep, husky and distinctive Irish drawl.

That voice sent a thrill through her central nervous system. Why did that voice send a frisson of white terror in her at the same time, make her want to encircle her arms around his neck and her legs around those hips...hmmm. Dakota's lips were suddenly dry. Her tongue fleeted out to moisten them. "And you Jamie, could have been a poet."

"Ah yes, we Northern Irish have the gift of the gab."

"You sure do," Dakota said smiling broadly. It was months since she had heard that sultry, rich, deep voice or been lost in his dark blue eyes with hazel star burst that fired up and smouldered when they were intimate. Dakota pushed away delicious thoughts of what it felt like being naked in Jamie's arms.

Jamie put down his carry-on bag and closed the distance between them, his arms outstretched. Dakota remained rooted to the polished airport flooring as Jamie's clean shaven face brushed against her cheek and his muscular arms wrapped tightly around her slender body, pressing her soft feminine curves tightly against his hard muscular body, full length for a lingering moment.

#LoveScenes (PG13 Jamie Dornan & Dakota Johnson Romance) SAMPLEWhere stories live. Discover now