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Jamie's whole being was gripped in horror at the sight of Dakota astride the mechanical bronco ride. She had one hand waving in the air and the mechanical horse was bucking at extreme high speed.

The original two men had been joined by several bar goers who watched the fast riding Dakota with a combination of admiration at her well formed body, her staying ability, holding onto the mechanical ride between her legs and the look of unadulterated exhilaration on her face.

Dakota's athleticism and ability to communicate emotion had drawn onlookers some of whom had several dollar bills in their hands as if she was the object of an impromptu bet.

What was Dakota thinking? What if she was thrown off the saddle at high speed and hurt herself badly? The possibility was too much for Jamie to contemplate. Jamie's thoughts raced as he unceremoniously terminated the call from his press representatives and with lightening speed got to Dakota who was on the other side of the room from where he was sitting.

He got to her as the ride was slowing. The small crowd both men and women chanted, "Again, Whoa..."

An inebriated man standing next to Jamie slurred his words licking his lips, "Dakota hang on to that bucking bronco a full minute at almost a hundred kilometres an hour. I'd ride her alright."

Jamie had an unexpected urge to punch the man in the mouth for objectifying Dakota but the ride came to a final stop. In the split second it took for the ride to stop, Jamie visualised violence with which he could stop the man 'three sheets to the wind' cold in his tracks. The stranger's head was tilted to the right which his predatory senses discerned an inner ear defect. He could deliver a sharp karate chop in the neck to paralyse his vocal codes so no sound was made during the next blows. Subsequent punches would be to the rib cage just above the liver and the next to the defective ear. He would ease the unconscious man to the floor before anyone was aware anything untoward had even happened. Dakota's stunt combined with the violent imagery had adrenalin rushing through Jamie's veins. His heart beat faster.

It took every ounce of self control when Jamie stepped up to Dakota, a dark thunderous expression clouding the features that had earlier been softened with smiling and laughter. He extended a muscular arm to Dakota. She met the disapproval in Jamie's features with fiery defiance. After months of silence Jamie didn't have the right to judge anything she did.

Rather than take the arm Jamie offered, Dakota dismounted on her own. She balanced her weight on her hands, landing expertly on her feet with the elegance of a gymnast finishing a routine on a balance beam. As she stormed off, her naked shoulder brushed against Jamie.

Stupefied, Jamie instinctively followed Dakota through a door that was about to close behind her.

"What do you think you're doing?" Dakota turned around confronting Jamie, unexpectedly.

"I should be the one asking you that question Dakota. What if you fell off that bronc? Jesus, Mary, Joseph, at that speed you could have had a life threatening injury," Jamie's voice was concern tinged with anger. He could go from having an easy going demeanour to wildly intimidating in a British second. Jamie placed both his hands on her bare shoulders as if physical contact would best communicate his exasperation.

Dakota had an adrenaline rush from having his muscular arms resting lightly on her naked shoulders. "No more indifference," she observed, "or do you want to shake some sense into me, Daddy Dornan?"

Dakota mentioning the nickname his Belfast friends in London teased him with for having a calmer, sober head when they went out, brought Jamie back to reality. She had amazing instincts to sense the danger from him thought Jamie as he consciously removed his hands off Dakota's shoulders. He replied with a simple, "No."

#LoveScenes (PG13 Jamie Dornan & Dakota Johnson Romance) SAMPLEWhere stories live. Discover now