The boys

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'You can't do it Niall' I said as he was trying to plait my hair. I opened up to him a bit more, but only because he had been nagging for the last 2 hours. I didn't tell him major stuff, just things like my favorite hair style and my favorite colour, nothing important.

'I can do it , look your hair is all plaited'
He said looking all proud of himself.

Niall couldn't actually move from his hospital bed unless we were going outside, so he was sat at the edge of the bed and I had turned the chair the other way as he was doing my hair.

It was so weird, I couldn't even explain it myself...we acted like best friends , like we knew eachother for years. I was so comfortable around him , it was crazy.

'Doneeeee' Niall said with a higher pitched voice.

I got up to go to see my hair in the mirror.

~.~Niall's P.O.V
'Wow, I'm so stupid aren't I? Who does this? Who meets a sad girl outside some toilets then the next day asks her to come up to the hospital to see me.
But there is something about her, I want to know more about her. Her hair is beautiful its a mousy Brown and it just falls perfectly down her face. Her eyes are a hazel colour and I could just look at them, all the time.
What am I thinking? A girl I've just met? I'm being stupid. I don't even think she classes me as a friend'

I walked back and sat in the chair, turning it around to face Niall again. But I had to snap him out from deep thought, I wonder what he was thinking about.
Nialls phone went off, it was a text from Liam.

'Hey Niall, me and the other boys are going to come and visit you in hospital, we are on our way now. Be about 10 mins...hope your okay and not too lonely aha'

'Eh Laya, is it okay if my friends come up and visit me? There is only 3 others their names are; Liam, Louis and Harry.'


But all I could say was 'yeah that's fine'

I wonder when I'm going to tell Niall? I wonder when I'm going go be able to finally say that I'm 19 and Ive been madly in love with you for the passed 4 years and I'm a huge fan, right, never. Niall would think im weirdo , a stalker. I can never tell him...but I don't want to lie.

'Hey Niall? I'm going to go to the toilet , back in a second'

I had to go and find a toilet. I was freaking out. How was I supposed to act normal? How was I supposed to act like I've never seen these boys before? Omg.

I found the toilet and checked my phone, I had 12 miss calls from Amy. Shit. I was supposedly going to go to London with her to try and find 'One Direction' but I don't really have to now. I phoned Amy back

'Hey Amy I'm so sorry. so much has gone on the passed 2 days, I'll explain tomorrow... Meet for coffee?'

'Sure, bye.'

Oops, she was being blunt with me. Meeting 'One Direction' was her dream
And I canceled on her. I wish I could tell her I couldn't because I was with Niall and soon all of them, but I couldn't other wise everyone will know where they are.

I walked back into the room to see Niall,Louis, Harry and Liam all sat on the bed. My heart started beating 100x faster.

'Um who are you' said Liam

'Think you've got the wrong room love' laughed Louis

'Sorry Hun, wrong room' Said Harry

No. She has the right room. Stated Niall.

I blushed.

Guys , this is Layla, I met her about 2 days ago and we've became good friends.

They all turned their heads and faced me. I felt my cheeks become pink and my heart fluttered as he called us friends.

'Come in then Layla, here's a space near me'

I went and sat down on the hospital bed next to Niall, an when I say 'next too' i mean basically sat on his lap. Our thighs were touching, I was fine with that, but i haven't been so 'close' with someone so quickly before.

Louis spoke up

'So eh, Niall you've known Layla for two days?..' Seeming kinda shocked.

'Yeah, but we've just became really good friends, I would tell you how we met. but that's personal to her' he said looking at me and smiling.

'N-no it's fine , Me and Niall met outside some disabled toilets. I was crying because I just found out my best friend was in a coma, an Niall couldn't use his wheelchair properly so I helped him. He then helped me because I was sad about my friend and we just became friends'

'Ah, well then hiiii' they all chirped.

'Um hey' I said quietly. I was a shy person, well...once you got to know me I wasn't. But I liked to keep myself to myself.

Why was I being so quiet and calm? Why was I not freaking out? Why was I not crying at the fact they were in front of me? Why...? I'm glad I didn't though , they would've though I was weird.

'So, are you a fan' asked Harry.


'Yeah actually, I am.

Nialls P.O.V ~.~
Wow, she was a fan? How big of a fan? Should've known she was a fan. She's going to treat me differently now, she's going to let out where I'm staying. But wait, she's known I've been here for a while now and she hasn't told anyone. she hasn't treated me like 'Niall from One Direction' she treated me like a normal person, an I liked that about her.

'Ah cool' said Harry. Are you coming to our shows in London? Next week?

'No, I wanted too. With my best friend Lottie but she took me last year and she isn't very fond of you so she didn't want to take me again. Besides, she can't take me now. She's in a-- a and I broke down.

Aw, Niall tried to plait Layla's hair! They've became friends! Maybe more will come from them? You'll have to wait and seeeee:) and Layla is still sad about Lottie:(

Hope you all enjoyed this, I'll update soon:)! ~ Kate

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