Maybe something could make me happy?

35 6 2

I broke down, sitting in front of me was the 4 boys that saved my life. They didn't know that.An I didn't intend for them to find out.I wasn't crying because one direction was infront of me , I was crying because my best friend was ill. I was crying because I had to go back to work like everything was fine. I was crying because I had to explain this all to Amy. Everything is just going down hill.

'Are you okay Layla' said Louis calmly.

I just looked at him.
Makeup all running down my face. I got up to go to the bathroom and left all the boys stunned an worried.

She's so sad, not even my jokes can cheer her up - Harry
I wish I could help her - Louis
.... -Niall

She's going to be okay. I've only known her for 2 days but she's a strong person and I know that Lottie is going to be okay.Once she comes back, you Guys can't act like she's sad. Act normal, an Louis can you go and get her some cookies from the hospital shop downstairs? They're her favorite. And Harry, go with Louis and buy her a blanket. She's not going home tonight, she's staying with me. I'm not letting her be by herself.

Um ni-

Just do it mate.

All that was left was me and Liam in the room. He was looking at me like he wanted to say something but he didn't.


You like her don't you

N,no I just care for her. I can be nice ya know? Her friend is in a coma. Give her some respect.

Alrighty then.

He didn't believe me , an I don't think he should. I do have feelings for her , but I don't like her? I know that's hard to take in and doesn't make a lot of sense but I'm just trying to figure out what I feel for her . Isn't it weird? How I've known her for 2 days and I already have feelings for her? There is just something about her. She's so small an petite. She has hair that flows perfectly . It's a beautiful mousy brown colour. Her eyes, they're hazel , they're brown with green placed in the middle. I asked her to tell me some things about herself, she was reluctant to , but she did. She told me her favorite film was Aladdin and has been since she was younger. She loves cookies and her favorite colour is yellow. Yellow wasn't my favorite colour but ever since she told me it was. I've seen 'yellow' in a completely different way.

Louis and Harry are now back with the cookies and blankets I told them to get. Because I had a broken leg, I couldn't do much so I had to be bossy. My hospital room only had one double bed. So Layla could sleep in it if she wanted too. And if she feels uncomfortable sleeping in the same bed as me, I'll sleep in the recliner in the corner of the room.

'Hey Louis can you put the blanket beside me? And hazz there is a plate over there, put the cookies on it and bring it over to my little table here'

The just looked at me with a blank expression.

'Niall, I'm sure she is fine. You do-

Just do it.

Once everything was done, me and the lads started talking about our tour and waited for Layla to get back. She's been ages, I hope she's okay.

Layla's P.O.V ~.~
It's cold, an dark. I'm outside and I look like I've just been hit by a bus. But I just can't stop crying? I've been outside for the last 20 minutes sat on the table me where me and Niall first talked properly. Seems like forever ago, when really it was only 2 days ago. We have became so close? I do withdraw myself from him sometimes and question myself about why he cares, but I think it's because all I've ever seen of him was from behind a TV screen or on posters or on my phone. But earlier this morning he was plaiting my hair and wanting to know everything about me. I'm quite a shy person and don't like to reveal stuff about myself quickly. I only told him small stuff like my favorite film, an snack and colour.
What does that mean to him?

It's weird. Before I met Niall I thought that everything was going to be perfect. He was going to look at me in the eyes and we will instantly fall Inlove, we'd run away to a castle in the woods and I'd ride my unicorn. No. I met him and everything has been completely different. I thought I'd tell him everything, I thought I'd come along as desperate and clingy and cry of excitement everytime I look at him. But I don't and I'm confused on why? I love him, yeah. But I'm scared he's just using me or doesn't love me back and sees me as just a friend. He is Niall Horan , an I'm just Layla.
I haven't had the best past when it comes to boys. I was only 15 when I first got my proper boyfriend. I thought I was Inlove with him. I thought he was Inlove him me. But, that's not how it all worked out. He beat me. He also raped me once or twice. I 'Lost my virginity' at 15 and not because I wanted too, not because it was special. It was horrible and I try not to think about it. Nobody knows not even Lottie. After we broke up, I got depressed and locked myself in my room in my aunties house for a few months with cookies and Aladdin on repeat. then One Direction came along and they were some sort of angels to me. There music would make me happy and actually think that, that day would be worth living.

An I- *ring ring , ring ring*
It was Niall.

'Hey , you alright? You've been gone for ages and I'm worried. The boys have gone now, they said bye and they hope you're okay and they'll see you soon. I have a surprise for you'

'H-hey, yeah I'm ou-out side'

I couldn't talk because I was so cold , it was like minus 2 an I haven't got a coat on.

'You're outside? Layla it's like minus 1000 degrees , come inside I need to talk to you'

' I'll be in, in a minuet'
And I put the phone down. I wasn't in the best of moods and I shouldn't be taking it out on Niall, but nothing can make me happy right now.
I made my way back to Nialls room and when I opened the door I couldn't help but look surprised. Niall had got me cookies and a peachy pink blanket and on his little TV was Aladdin. Was this all for me?

'Do you like it?'

'I'm speachless'

I walked over to Niall and gave him a hug but he pulled away. He was topless and I was freezing, I giggled and just pulled him in for another hug.

I took my shoes off and led beside Niall, his walm skin sending goosebumps up my body.

'You're staying here tonight, I'm not letting you be by yourself at home tonight. If you feel uncomfortable sleeping in the same bed as me, I'll sleep in the chair'

'But I have no pjs'


Niall through a gray oversized top at me, I got up and went and got changed. I put my hair into a messy bun and then went and led next to Niall again.

I led my head on his chest, watching my favorite Disney film eating my favorite cookies. maybe something could make me happy?

Aww, I loved writing this chapter. Niall is so cute. Layla is going through a really hard time and he's helping her! I'm sorry I haven't been updating. I'm not quite sure everyone is enjoying this so I might stop updating? Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this💜~ Kate

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