I am crazy in love....with my English teacher

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First book. Enjoy <(^-^)> 


I always hated the first day of school. It felt as if I had to start all the way from the beginning.

Teachers, homework, sports, drama, teens, geeks, and the filthy stink of gym lockers were the few things I had to deal with every year.

But what I hated the most was going to a new school in the middle of the year. On my senior year. Thanks dad.

We moved here two weeks ago. I was happily living my life in Massachusetts when my dad got this fantastic position (which it was perfect, dad's job sucked) But like my old grandma always says "Coraline you can't have everything your way" so there we were. One minute were celebrating the end of dad's stinky job and then next we were "hello Florida"

I drove to my new school. I parked in the visitors parking. Right when I walked in people stared. I wanted to scream at them. Hello I am human. I don't see any antennas coming out of my head to tell me other wise.

I followed the map to get to the office. When I got there a lady with a weird hair do that looked like someone from the musical Hair Spray walked to me.

"Hello may help you?" she said in a very high pitch voice. I looked at her. She seemed nice but I could see right through her. Pure evil.

"Yes, my name is Coraline Leer and I am new to this school. I was told to pick up my schedule here" I told her. She looked at me and then looked away.

"Oh yes Coraline! Mr. Right wants to talk to you"

Mr. Right? what kind of last name was that?

The weird hair do lady lead me to an office and pointed at a chair.

"Sit" I glared at her. Did she just order me to sit? What did she think I was? A dog? I decided to just go along with it and sit.

"Wait here, Mr. Right will be here shortly" she turned around and started walking off. I could tell she was wearing extremely tight pants. They looked like they were about to rip the heck off. I prayed not to end up like that.

I sat there and waited. I looked around the office. It was extremely weird. The walls were full of animals in the most random places such as a donkey admiring art at a museum. Oh and let's not forget all the whacked up troll dolls with colorful hair.

"Mrs. Leer, how nice to finally meet you" said a voice behind me. I turned around to see a fairly short guy maybe 5'0. He was wearing a black suit and an almost blinding shiny red tie.

"Oh hi" I told him.

"My name is Mr. Right and I am your principal." he said taking his seat. "did you meet Ms. Harrison?"

"Ms. Harrison? Do you mean the lady with the weird hair?" oops I screwed up.

He looked at me and then laughed.

"Then I guess you have. Well the lady with the weird hair is my secretary Ms. Harrison"

"Yeah she told me to wait for you"

"Well I just wanted to tell you that if you need help with anything you can ask me or any other employee in school. We want you to feel welcomed"

"Thanks I'll keep it in mind. Was I supposed to get my schedule here today?" I asked him.

"You know I like you, straight to the point" he said smiling and taking out a paper from his desk.

"Here you go" he said handing it to me.  

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