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I am doubting my own sanity
Don't know if it's real or not
But he lurks around
Holding a box of effectless words
And a few worn out promises draped over his arm

I want to believe it's all a figment of my imagination
But it's sadly not
I can hear him
Feel my anchors falling
Feel the death while I'm floating
He's chasing me all around

So intractable to root out

Oh, how his words hurt so bad
I want to erase them
To never have to torment myself

For his words are nothing
Nothing but a whip
A fiery chain
Meant to leave their marks
On everything that I am

I will believe it's all gone
When I'm no longer alone
A less-him life is all I want
With him around
He takes all the good
And leaves me all the bad

Some are meant to make you feel lonely despite their presence

Bruise you despite their tender touches

Kill you despite still being alive.

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