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"Are you ok?"

Zane looked around as Jess dropped down beside him on the bench.

"None club members aren't allowed in here during practice," he said, frowning at her from behind his towel.

"Yes, but Coach likes me," she said and he rolled his eyes.

"Haven't seen Locke around recently," she said and Zane looked back to the court where the second string team members were playing a mini-match.

"You have his number, why don't you organise a meet-up?"

"Eh, same as why I didn't barge into his dressing room as the concert. I like to listen to his music; I don't want to bother the guy himself. He's already nice enough to me."

"Really? Because you and Locke seemed to enjoy chatting, me being the favourite topic."

Jess just shrugged without an ounce of regret. "He wants to know about you and it's not like you tell him anything.

"Because it's none of his business," Zane snapped, looking at her.

"Why do you hate him so much?"

"I-! ...I don't hate him," Zane said, yanking the towel off and untying his dreads. "He just... pisses me off."


"Haven't you noticed how clingy he is?"

Jess shrugged. "Haven't you noticed how much he likes you?"

"He told me not to go to America."

Jess looked at him in surprise as he retied his hair up at the back of his head and wiping the remaining sweat from his face.

"Moaning about all this 'don't leave me' shit. Who the hell does he think he is? We've barely known each other for two months and he thinks he can make demands like that? He can find someone else to latch onto."

"Well... fair enough, I can see why you'd be mad at him." Jess flipped open her phone and started scrolling through her texts, answering ones she hadn't answered and watching the match as a three pointer was scored, putting the losing side in the lead. "His manager was looking for you by the way."


"Locke's manager. He was looking for you. I figured I wouldn't just give the guy your number."

"Why's he looking for me? More then that, why does he have your number?"

"So I can ask him directly for tickets to Locke's shows."

"Of course," Zane muttered, rolling his eyes. "So, what does he want with me?" he asked, shrugging his jacket on.

"Wanted to know if you'd seen or heard from Locke recently," she said. Zane looked at her out of the corner of his eye as she snapped a photo of the game and instantly uploaded it to Instagram. "Have you?"

"Not for a few weeks, when we had that... fight? Fall out? Whatever it was. Why would he think I'd know?"

"Apparently you're one of the few people he actually gives a damn about." She shrugged.

"He's probably at his apartment, can't he just go there?"

"Oh he's not missing. They know he's in the apartment. He just wont let anyone in. For a few weeks now. I assume your 'fall out' set him off."

"Ey, I'm not being blamed for him sulking."

"I know, I know, bad Locke."

"No, stupid Locke. He'll get over himself."

"Yes yes, agreed. I just wanted to check." Jess reached for his hair as she spoke, rearranging it before snapping a shot that as well - Zane never did understand her Instagram page. "But don't get too angry. It's not like there's any chance of him being able to change your mind."

Zane looked at her and she smiled in return.

"C'mon. You've been planning this since you first picked up a basketball. The top man of the NBA and all that. His comments won't shake that." She clamped a hand on his head and shook him, grinning. "Not even the person you love will be able to change your mind, so don't worry about him."

"I'm not worried about him being able to change my mind. It's just the fact that he said it that annoys me."

"Yeah well, the guy is slightly unhinged, we know this,"

Zane let out a slight 'tsk' as he looked over to the other members of the starting team who were either talking or watching the mini-game, shouting encouragement to the players.

"You think he's alright?"

"Who? Locke?" Jess asked.

"No, Santa Clause. Of course Locke."

"Alright, Mr. Attitude. Excuse me for asking, you're the one who doesn't like talking about him," Jess said, ramming her elbow into his ribs, making him choke and curl away, clutching his side. "And how would I know? You're his best friend."

"I'm not his best friend."

"Unrequited love then."

Zane looked at her and she gave the rafters an innocent gaze.

"I'm sure he's fine," she said, "he has more concerts coming up soon, seeing as his last album was released recently and I hear he's featuring with two more chart artists, he'll have to appear again." She patted him on the shoulder and smiled, leaning forwards to see his face. "Don't worry about it, Zaney, forget I said anything. He's not your responsibility."

"Yeah I know but-"

"You don't have to protect everyone, Zaney, forget about him," she said, smiling.

At that moment, the final whistle was blown and everyone started to line up as the coaches called them over.

"Right, I'm off, I'll see you later," Jess said, standing up, squeezing his shoulder before walking out as Zane stood up and went to join the others.


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