Kiss The Cold

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Zane was quiet for a while, the silence settling as the words hung in the air, heavy, like a barrier between them.

"What?" he asked.

"Rich got you that invitation."


"He's affiliated with that collage. He puts a lot of money into a lot of schools around the world and gains strings that he can pull as a result."

"How would pulling strings in schools or unis help him?"

"Means he gets to pick and choose from students who interest him, preps them for work in his businesses before anyone else... or he finds new people to sleep with."

Zane slammed the ball to the ground as he stood up, turning away, pressing his hand to his eyes.

Locke shrugged as the ball bounced away. "Honestly, for his real reasons you'd have to ask him directly."

"God sake," Zane muttered, walking away, his fingers curling around the netted fence. "But how can he have anything to do with the invitation? The first time we really spoke was the other day at your place. How could he know I wanted to go to that school?"

"You'd be surprised by what you can learn by simply ringing up and asking," Locke said, getting to his feet and walking to the other end of the court to collect the ball. "I assume he just asked your coach."

"But why?" Zane said, turning around. "Why would he get me such a great opportunity? He owes me nothing and he won't get anything more than thanks from me, if that." A chill suddenly hit him and it had nothing to do with the weather. He stared at Locke. "You don't think he wants me to... you know... with him, do you?"

Locke turned back to him and raised an eyebrow. "You willing to 'receive' another man?" he asked incredulously.

"What? Like, be the women? God no," Zane said, wincing at the idea.

"Then no, Rich won't be trying to sleep with you," Locke said, walking back towards him.

"Then why?"

"Gets you away from me," Locke said simply and it was Zane's turn to look incredulous.

"Seriously?" he said, his tone not believing a word of it as he folded his arms and sat on the edge of the concrete wall, stretching his legs out in front of him, crossing them at the ankles. "He wants me gone so he gives me the opportunity of a lifetime? What man helps his rival to his goals?"

"You'd be surprised with the things done by men who are used to getting everything their way. He doesn't care what your other goals are and has no reason to sabotage you." Locke came back with the ball, watching it as he bounced it. "And he has a certain level of respect for talent."

"But I'm not a threat to him," Zane said as Locke knelt down by his bag. "Does he still think you'll fall for me? We're just friends, what's he got to worry about?"

Locke was quiet as he slowly unzipped the gym bag and put the ball away, zipping it closed again before standing up, straightening and slipping his hands into his pockets as he looked down at Zane.

"Yeah, we're friends," he said, his voice low. Zane tilted his head to the side and Locke continued. "You know that and I know that. But he'll read whatever he wants into a situation."

"It's not going to make things difficult for you, is it?"

"No, it won't. I'm used to whatever shit he pulls out. And really, if you just go along with the invitation and get out of the way for a while, it won't cause you any trouble either. There's not actually a downside to him helping you out... apart from the fact that it's him and I'm not sure you'll like him. You're welcome to refuse the invitation you know?"

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