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~ * ~ Prologue ~ * ~

When the movie was over, I couldn’t stop crying. It was like a part of me had gone it with and now I was wondering what the hell I will do with my life.

Usually people tell me “oh, you know, it’s just a movie, get over it.” Seriously? Movies, music or books are part of what I am and they define me and teach me what life is. Because we all know that real life sucks.

I have no idea when I found out life is a crap and the movies are purely fictional, but I still decided to stay among books and movies which could protect me from the big, bad world outside.

My name is Betsy Becker and I am a fan girl. No, my name is not actually Betsy, but Elizabeth seems way too formal for my liking and it doesn’t define me at all. I hate how both of my names start with B, though. I am 19, studying Creative Writing and I still believe in fairy tales.

No one could ever convince me that you don’t get a happy ending. I refuse to accept it, even though I had actual proof all around me. The world is full of hatred, selfishness, wars, racism and they all forget how to live and love the others. I’ve read all about those kind of things and it is so sad that life it’s not like a book because in the end it all turns out to be okay, after all the bad that had happened.

Anyway, I am really attached to books, movies, TV shows and I often enjoy them more than life itself. My best friend, Lya, thinks I’m completely insane because I cry my eyes out every time a character I like dies; breaks up with someone or just has a bad mood. But I don’t see it like that. I often think I prefer to cry over a great character instead of crying because of something that happened in real life. I’m just taking care of my heart, that’s all.

And after watching the end of a movie of my favourite female celebrity, Cassie Allison, I felt my world has fallen. She was one of the greatest actresses nowadays and also a very talented singer. I have no idea who was she dating, and I was dying from curiosity. I knew everything about her, from her early life to personal life and professional. Yeah, that’s pretty much creepy, but JustJared posted most of the information, and since I’m not Jared, the owner of that amazing site, I cannot be blamed that I check it daily… Sometimes it happens to be stuck around the site twice a day, maybe third, if I have the time.

It’s not that uncommon. I’m as normal as anyone. Why doesn’t nobody ask whether people who club all night long are completely insane and why don’t they spend their time reading or watching a good movie? No, they are the attention whores of the society who know how to have fun. By drinking, taking drugs and having careless sex which leads to death, diseases and heartbreaks. I do have heartbreaks myself because of various characters, but it’s not that bad.

Of course it’s bad for my so-called friends, who would rather spend their time doing nothing or driving around the city with unlimited speed and drinking or smocking. And that’s why I’m not so cool for them because I rather spend my time watching TV shows.

Sometimes I think my parents would’ve liked me to be popular as they were in high school, Queen and King of Prom, midfielder and cheerleader. But how could I know since they died in a car crash five years ago, while driving to a charity ball where I was too bored to go to? They supposedly were laughing too hard about a joke a family friend told them on the phone that they just didn’t notice the traffic lights changing. A joke was funnier than their life. Than their daughter, who was 14 at the time, and who needed them.

I ended up living with my aunt, Char, my dad’s sister and she didn’t liked me that much because she was 22 when my parents died and she was the only one with a job and a house for me and at some point we actually started to get along good enough. I didn’t bother her and she didn’t bother me. It was some sort of mutual understanding between us and she made enough money to provide me everything I need.

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