08-First Tryout

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"Mia, we need to talk." Was what Jake said while we were walking to the football field after school.

We have currently been going out for three weeks now and things really couldn't of gone worse. Derek bumping into us every chance he could get and Emily feeling extremely uncomfortable to sit at their table after what happened with her chicken pasta. The only people she will talked to besides me is Ricky and man, it looks like she found her MCM for the whole year.

As for Jake himself, he wasn't bad. He held my hand and gave me compliments here and there, I just never felt anything for him. I liked him, I did, but I feel like we could break up and it wouldn't even hurt me.

"What's up?" I responded, tapping my shoes on the pavement.

"So I know this is a little weird but I was wondering when you maybe.." He scratched his head, "Wanna have a first kiss?"

"Uh.." A first kiss? Oh my god, we have never shared a kiss? He was so patient with it, I don't even think he asked me. Or did he and I just didn't notice?

"I was just curious." He said.

"We can do it now."

He stopped in his footsteps, "You serious?"

I shrugged, "Not tongue, just something to start us off."

We made it to the cheerleaders and football players as Jake grabbed my hand and pulled me behind a wall.

"One kiss." He said.

"For now." He leaned in closer.

"Okay." He narrowed his eyes to the right before leaning in to kiss me on my mouth. It was short and sweet, nothing really special about it.

"Did you feel anything?" He asked with one eyebrow raised.

"I think it was just too fast." Or maybe I just didn't have a connection with him. I bet Derek would be a better kisser, even if it was just pecking.

Did I just say that?

"Maybe, round two?" He asked before a coach blew a whistle from the distance.

I patted his shoulder, "Later, go practice."

He kissed my forehead again quickly before saluting me with a smirk, "Yes ma'am!" He then walked off.

I walked away to the other side of the football field to find Emily. Today was the day where we will be having last-minute cheer tryouts. It's for the people that didn't make it during the summer and were new (like me) or persuade themselves to do it. I didn't find Emily, but I did find Ally at the bottom of the football field near the track with other cheerleaders in uniform.

"Hey Ally!" I walked up to her as she turned around.

"Hey, you trying out?"

"Well yeah, I'll see what I can do."

"Cool." She said, "Where's your friend at?"

"Oh Emily?" She nodded, "Yeah I don't know where she is."

"I saw her by the bathrooms earlier, maybe check over there." She said pointing her head to the stalls.

"Okay thanks!" I turned back around to walk away while looking up at the bleachers.

There was about twenty hopeful girls waiting to begin their tryouts, but only five of us will make the team. Will I be upset if I don't make it? I don't really think so. When I made it to the stalls of the bathroom I saw something that almost made me laugh.

Emily and Ricky, alone together. She was leaning against the wall with her high ponytail soaking in the wall's dirt while Ricky stood a couple inches away. God knows what there up to and I really don't want to know. I just turned around and walked back right where I started, finally letting loose of my annoying laugh.

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