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"What are you making?" Michael asks as he comes up and wraps his arms around my waist from behind.

"Lasagna for dinner," I smile.

"But aren't we having a party? You should just make pizza."

"Yeah but we are going to have a good dinner then party. I mean there's gonna be what, 6 of us? It's basically a social gathering," I laugh.

"You're in a good mood today," Michael says, stealing a chocolate chip from the bag I would be making cookies with.

"Yeah. I'm excited to be able to spend time with Ashton outside of the asylum. I'm so excited for him," I practically squeal.

He laughs, "I can tell."

I smile at his as I start to put the lasagna together. In the living room I hear an alarm go off and then see Calum running into the kitchen. He's running so fast, and has slippery socks on, that he runs right into the refrigerator. Michael and I bust out laughing as he stands up from the floor seeming to not be phased.

"Heather!" He yells.

"What?!" I ask.

"You need to take your medicine!!! It's 5:30!!!!!" He walks over to the cabinet and grabs my pill bottle.

"It's almost empty, you'll need to tell Doctor Grey," Michael interrupts.

"What if I don't want to tell her?" I ask.

"Heather....come one. You have to tell her. You have to take these pills," Calum sighs.

"I know. I just don't like how I feel on them. I liked how I felt before I was on them," I say shrugging my shoulders.

"You weren't good before these. You got really bad. Don't you remember?"

I do remember. I remember everything perfectly. I liked how I felt. I felt sad. I felt angry. But that made me feel good and I don't know why.

"Yes I remember. Just give me the damn pills," I scoff, grabbing the pills from Calum's hand and dry swallowing them.

"You know we just care about you, Heather," Michael sighs as he pulls me in for a hug.

"Yeah I know. I need to put this lasagna in though before Luke and Diamond get here."

Michael sighs as he gives Calum a look, causing them both to head into the living room giving me some space.

The past months have been very difficult for me and I have no clue why, neither does my therapist. After my mother was killed something changed in me. I realized I had nobody. I never contacted Amy, it would be too painful.

My mom was a terrible person but nobody wants to lose their mother, the one who birthed you, fed you, raised you.

When the new therapist diagnosed me with severe depression she gave me some hardcore medicine to take. It was more intense than an anti-depressant. She said it would help my anger as well as my depression at the same time, I have no clue how though. I've become addicted to the pill though and if I don't have it every 12 hours like prescribed, I start to freak out.

I can't take it with any alcohol in my system because of side effects which made things difficult. After my mom was killed I started drinking, a lot. I was basically becoming a 21 year old alcoholic. I could never take my pills and it just made me even crazier, but I loved it. I loved how I felt off of the pills, that's how I wanted to feel. When I take these pills I feel all bottled up. I know they're supposed to make me feel happier, which they sometimes succeed with, but other times they don't.

Dark Side - Sequel to Asylum » AI // auWhere stories live. Discover now