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"Georgia," Harry said hoarsely, leaning against the wall next to the bedroom door after he had shut it. He sounded slightly winded himself and maybe he was. Maybe all of the traveling from the last month had caught up with him and that combined with the fact that he was probably emotionally and physically exhausted made him seem tired.

I remained in my comfortable position, the covers still drawn around me as I lay curled up in our bed, my body on my side in the one few positions that was comfortable this far along in my pregnancy. I was proud of myself for managing to keep my emotions together this far.

He looked good. He looked so good. And it had been so long since I had seen him in person. All I wanted to do was lift to covers for him to curl up in bed with me and spend the late morning and afternoon filling me in with silly stories from tour in between compliments on how beautiful I looked and soft kisses for the baby. We would eventually found our way to the shower after a slow and steamy session between the sheets and made ourselves presentable before the kids came home. That was how I imagined this homecoming to be but I knew it would be nothing like that.

"Georgia," he said again, this time his voice had regained some of the huskiness I had become so familiar with. It felt so good to hear him say my name again and I could feel a shiver down my spine at how good it felt just to even feel his presence near me.

He ran his hands through his slightly tousled hair and I wished he had put it up because I loved it so when he wore it up. He looked devastatingly handsome no matter what but for some reason I always got a little bit weaker in the knees when he had his hair up.

"I missed you so much," Harry said, his voice slightly cracking. "I can't even believe how good it feels to be back.. to be back home. I just, I'm taking it all in. It feels like ages since I've been here. Come, let me see you and my baby. I've missed both of you so terribly."

I obliged him, throwing back the covers to the bed and shifting, taking in the oversized hoodie of his I had been wearing paired with some leggings before I heaved myself out of bed and padded towards him. I realized, I still had yet to say anything to him.

"How is my baby?" he mumbled once I stood before him, sinking to his knees and lifting up my shirt to reveal my stomach. I shivered slightly from his touch, watching him below me as he pressed the softest of kisses across my stretched skin. I felt like I had grown so much in the month since he had last seen me. I certainly felt like it. The scale said I had gained five pounds and my eating everything in sight probably didn't help either.

The baby must had sensed Harry's presence because I felt a flutter of movement inside of me and could feel the baby shifting as Harry ran his fingers across my skin, sighing happily. "The baby must have missed me as much as I missed him or her."

"And you," he said, standing up again and fixing my shirt before he grasped my hands in his. "Words cannot express how much I missed you, Georgia."

For the first time since he got back, I glanced up to meet his gaze and saw my reflection is his impossibly deep green eyes. They were my favourite hue right now. Not the normal deep green, but that light green that reflected the world around him. His expression on his face was so open and so honest right now and his words sounded so earnest but I couldn't forget everything that had been revealed to me in the last month. And I certainly couldn't forget every emotion I had felt in the last month.

"Did you miss me, too?" He asked, his hands squeezing mine gently as he waited for my reply.

I blinked rapidly, shifting my weight, feeling overwhelmed with all of the emotions  running through me right now. "What a silly question, Harry."

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