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"Oh, my God, is that Joey crying?" I paused, turning towards the stairs. "I better go check on her!" I went to run up the stairs even though I was definitely trying to avoid this conversation but Harry grabbed me by the wrist, stopping me.

"Georgia," his voice was deadly low. "What the fuck is this?"

I could feel tears springing to my eyes, knowing I was in deeper shit with him for not saying anything in the first place. I should have listened to my initial instinct and told him right off the bat instead of trying to fix things on my own. I had even lied to him earlier this afternoon when I had said I thought it was management. He was so not going to be happy with me.

"Hey! Are you guys ready to go?" Tina asked, walking into the room at the perfect moment. She had her coat on, ready to go, purse in hand as she glanced between Harry and I. The way it looked, he was probably looking at me like he was going to kill me while I looked guilty as hell.

"Everything okay?" she asked.

Harry nodded and spoke through gritted teeth, still glaring at me. "Just peachy. Let's go, Georgia." He grabbed my wrist again, tugging harshly and pulling me in front of him, his hands firm on my hips as he ducked his head to speak in my ear. "The minute this dinner is over, we are having a very serious conversation."

I couldn't help but wince as his fingers pressed into my skin as he spoke, squeezing me and letting me know how firm and final his words were. But he didn't have to hurt me.

"Okay," I said. I just wanted to get out of his grasp. I didn't like him when he was this angry. It scared me.

I shrugged on my coat while Harry did the same, keeping a tight hold on me while he led Tina and I out to the car. I wished I didn't have to go to this dinner. I couldn't even be excited for my sister and her engagement when I knew how angry Harry was. It seemed extra torturous to be stuck going through the motions at dinner and pretend to be happy when I knew deep down I'd be anxiety ridden the whole time.

The car ride was quiet and awkward. Tina tried to make small talk the whole way but Harry would just grumble a one or two word answer and I was too lost in my own head to be bothered with conversing with her. That made me feel even worse when I knew how badly she was probably hurting. She still had no idea she was going to be proposed to. I don't know how she would even react when she saw Niall.

When we pulled up at the restaurant, Harry handed the valet his key, coming around to our side and opening the door for Tina before he did the same to me. He held my hand, his fingers laced through mine but it didn't feel romantic or even like a slightly sweet gesture. I felt like I was his prisoner.

"Oh, the Savoy? You are too kind, Harry!" Tina exclaimed when we went inside the restaurant.

I stood beside Harry, quietly, as he gave his name to the maître'd who told us our table was ready and led us back to a private dining room. I immediately noticed the fancy set up of the room, from the ornate centerpiece to the three piece string quartet in the corner to the bottle of champagne chilling next to the table with three glasses. Tina didn't seem to notice there were four settings.

The maitre'd held out our chairs for us while we sat down and poured a glass of champagne for everyone.

"A toast, to a night of new beginnings," Harry said, staring at me while he spoke. He raised his glass and nudged me.

"Drink," he said.

"I don't want to," I whispered back.

"Drink," he said again, louder.

He was really beginning to worry me. I didn't like his behavior and he never forced me to do anything. He knew I was pregnant. I don't know why he was trying to push alcohol on me all of a sudden when he had gotten so bent out of shape last week about me having one sip of a wine spritzer.

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