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Beep Beep !

Nova's alarm clock boomed waking her up in a small panic. No, she wasn't frightened of the sound, she was frightened by this morning. This wasn't just any morning, but today was the first day she would be attending Nicholas Smith's High School as Jasmine Vargas, a senior. Her real name was Nova Jasmeen Velasquez but starting today she was going to be known as Jasmine. See she was never noticed at school and was tired of being unknown. So, as a result, she vowed to herself that for senior year she would change for the better. To be popular. To be known. To actually have friends. She made this decision and instantly changed herself. Not only mentally, but physically. She had dyed her hair a bright Persian Red, replaced her glasses with blue contacts and had gotten two piercings.

"NOVAAA!" Her mom yelled from all the way downstairs. 

"Finally," Nova started to pep-talk herself as she continued to lay in bed. "Today is the day I introduce Jasmine."

She threw the black and white cover off her body and went to the bathroom in her room that was well in the corner of her room and brushed her teeth. Once she was done, she combed the tiny knots out of her bold hair and passed her pink flat iron through it a few times so that there were no stray hairs. She placed her blue contacts in her eyes almost poking one out in the process with her sharp finger nails, applied a bit of eyeliner on and stuck a new fake diamond nose ring in. She got dressed in a black "too cool for school" crop top, a high waisted maroon colored flare skirt that reached just above her knees. She shimmied her black knee length socks up her legs and slipped on her black ankle booties.

"NOVAAAAAA!!! " Her mom screamed once again, "Don't make me call you again."

Nova looked at herself in the mirror once again making sure everything was perfect and made her way down the stairs before her mother had a chance to scream her name again.

Once she got down there everyone mouth was literally gaped open. From her mother, to her father, to her brother.

"Nova, Why are you doing this to yourself? Just be you, if not people are going to find out and one day it will all blow up in your face. Please hun, I'm just trying to look out for you. God made you the way you were supposed to and if people can't accept that, they're not worth the fuss. Don't pay attention to them. Meet other people." Nova's mom says very gentle, trying to persuade Nova out of the whole "Jasmine" facade.

"Meet other people?" Nova sarcastically laughed, "please stop criticizing me. I know what I am doing. I have no friends. Why? Because I haven't been noticed the past 3 years at school. If I still looked the same, what makes you think I would be noticed this year? Exactly. I wouldn't. And plus, if I am extra careful and don't tell anyone my secret then everything will go well." Nova defends while grabbing an apple off the counter.

"Yeah mom, I completely agree with Nova," her older brother, Jaceey, interjects, " I know for a fact that Nova will be popular this year because number one, she has style now. Number two, she can apply eye shadow or whatever the hell that's called on her face right-"

"Eyeliner," Nova cut off, muttering under her breath. But her brother just rolled his eyes and continued.

"and number three, it really bothers me to say this cause shes my sister but , ya'know, she looks hot."

"Well thanks Jay, that's something you want to hear from your brother." Nova snorts and rolled her eyes. Her mother just shook her head in confusion and waved her kids off for school.

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