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"My name is Dylan and this is My boyfriend Cameron." The girl, Dylan, told me in her sort of deep voice that had a slight north jersey accent. Their names immediately sent a spark to my head.

"Oh my god! I did hear about you guys! I read your blog Dylan! You were the shiest girl of the school but according to everyone else you were wanted by many. And Cameron! You had a reputation of being the schools player but in reality you were just a big sweetheart!"

"Yup that's us!" Cameron said with wide eyes as to how fast I said everything.

"Oh my god, you guys are like my inspiration. Believe it or not I was pretty shy when I was younger," ..... 'More like a year ago' I argued with myself. But it was true. I read their blog over the summer and it gave me the inspiration to come out of my comfort zone and be more social.

"Trust me I still am to this day but Cameron helps me through it," Dylan explained and pecked Cameron's lips. I mentally 'Awwed' At the love they had for each other that was so obvious.

We talked for a bit more and before I knew it,  homeroom was over and I hadn't even noticed the teacher walked in. Basically because first off he didn't teach, second of all he was asleep behind a newspaper. Before I left homeroom i gave my number to Dylan and Cameron so we could hang out sometime.

On my way to my second class I couldn't help but think about Dylan and how strong she was. She was always so insecure and all of a sudden she ended up dating the hottest and most popular boy in school. I wish i could be like her - so independent. Really, she never really had friends and neither do I and she was okay with it. I wanted to be like her. I wish i could go around without contacts in my eyes, my natural hair color and introduce myself as Nova Jasmeen but i wasn't strong enough. I would NEVER be strong enough. You know why? I was afraid of the judgment. I was afraid of walking around and being called a dork. Being called ugly and anorexic cause really, I used to be as skinny as a stick - with my ribs popping out and all. I just was afraid. That's why i'm not being myself right now. I'm not mean, I don't go up to people and introduce myself--well that's a good thing--I learned already during the beginning of this experiment that it is good to open up to strangers, well not really open up but introduce yourself. I'm not the type to go and flirt with people or talk to boys. I'm just not myself. I want to be able to say I'm Nova and not her cousin but what will happen between Adric and I? I mean he likes me as Nova and just thinks of me as friend since I say I am Jasmine.

'Ugghhhh' I groaned and mentally face-palmed myself. I was getting to ahead of myself. It was only the second day of school and I was already thinking about my fate.

Before I knew it I was in my second class and there was Adric completely unaware that I just walked in. So, I decided to sneak up on him. I walked toward the back of the room far enough so he wont see me and went behind his chair. Before I got a chance to say "Boo" Adric shot up out his chair and screamed those three letters for me.

"Boo!" He said grabbing my waist at the same time I let out and ear-piercing scream, leading the whole class to stare at me.

" Damn it Adric! You scared the shit out of me!" I yelled at him punching him in the arm.

"Well that was the plan, YOU on the other hand should plan better on scaring people." He chuckled and I took my seat next to him and just glared at him. I swear if looks could kill, he'd be dead, times 10.

Throughout class, he kept nudging me to get me to stop being mad at him, so I thought I'd play around with him and not give him the time of day.

In the middle of my assignment a tiny, folded piece of paper flew on the side of my desk and I look over to Adric who quickly jerked his eyes back to his paper. Opening the note under my desk, it read:

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