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Nova's Point of View

I woke up at 6:30 not really in the mood to get all fancied up. I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. After washing up, I wrapped a towel around my body and went to brush my teeth and put my contacts in. I grabbed a pair of pre-ripped Boyfriend jeans, a Yankee's baseball jersey and my black Timberland's from out of my closet and placed all of the items on.

I stared at myself in the mirror rethinking. Last year I would have put on a plaid shirt, tan school pants and Mary Jane shoes, and my hair would have just been up into a simple ponytail with no makeup applied at all. It's funny how in one summer everything could change. I didn't bother putting on any foundation or anything but i did put on a bit of mascara and some red tint lip gloss. I dried my hair and let my untamed curls fall just below my shoulders. I slid on some mid-rings, put in my gold-colored nose ring and an ear cuff before I made my way to the kitchen.

When I got downstairs my mom couldn't even look at me, or talk to me for that matter, but I didn't care. I knew why I was doing this but apparently she didn't. I grabbed the toast that was already set on the table and put some cream cheese on it. Jaycee and my dad still hadn't come downstairs so you could sense the tension in the room between my mother and I.

"Can you just please rethink" My mom broke the silence before I cut her off.

"Can you stop criticizing me? I know what I'm doing this, okay? So just stop." I argued and walked into the living room. I looked in the driveway only to find out Jaycee's car wasn't there. 

"Fantastic." I muttered to myself before going upstairs to see if Dad could drop me off at school.  

When I got to the room he was having a really intense phone call with one of his co-workers. I waited by the door until he was done talking, which I concluded when he took the phone from his ear and shoved it angrily into his pocket.

"Um, Dad, " I said knocking on the opened door making him turn around, "Can you drive me to school? Jaycee isn't home."

"Nova, Jasmine, what ever you go by now, right now is not a good time. I can't drive you to school so I guess you'll just have to walk."

"But dad! The school is like a half hour walk! You can't let me! Plus its drizzling outside and the school bus is strictly only for special ed."

"Well either walk your lazy ass to school with an umbrella or lose a few iQ points and take the damn school bus. I already told you I'm not driving you."

"Uugh!" I yelled rushing downstairs. It was 8;00 already. I left out my house slamming the door without saying a word to my mom as I left.

As I started walking, the sound of the thunder proceeded to my ears, and of course, like the air head I was, I forgot to bring an umbrella with me. It started pouring outside so I just clutched my book bag tighter hoping my phone wouldn't get wet in there.

10 minutes into the walk I noticed a car riding up behind me and I picked up my pace a little scared to get pulled in like girls from movies. The car horn sounded and turned around only to Adric.

"Hurry up! Get in!" He shouted over the sound of the rain. I couldn't refuse as my clothes got wetter by the second and got into the car.

"Thank you so much!" I said grabbing his right hand and squeezing it as he pulled off the road. For a minute I thought I saw his eyes light up when I touched him. But maybe it was just my imagination.

"So, how did you manage walking this long walk to school?" He asked me breaking the short silence we had.

"Well my cousin wasn't home and he's my usual ride. He's such a dick."

He just laughed.

"What? Can I not say that?" I felt my cheeks heated up.

"You can. It's just, it doesn't sound natural from you," He chuckled. "But at least that happened. If it didn't happen you wouldn't be in my car right now, would you?"

I realized what he just said and kind of caught butterflies in my stomach. Was he happy that i was in his car? I'm so stupid, why would i think that. Cue rolling of the eyes.... Now.

"Wow no need to roll your eyes," Adric said defensively.

"Oh that wasn't - I wasn't - rolling eye - thinking-..... I'll shut up now." I said, my cheeks heating up. All Adric did was chuckle and he noticed I was shivering so he gave me his jacket and put it over my shoulders at a red light. I smiled as the car came to a complete stop in the schools parking lot. He pulled the key out of the ignition and quickly got out of the car. He made it to my side and opened the door for me before I could even take off my seat belt.

"Here we are ma'lady," He said in some fake posh accent which just made me laugh as I got out the car. When we got toward the gates there was my brother talking to Amanda. He caught my stare and I rolled my eyes, letting him know I wasn't in the mood. I walked into the building with Adric by my side.

When we got into the building we had split our separate ways because he had a different first period class than I did. Once I got to my homeroom I couldn't help but notice Amanda trying to get the boys attention cause three of them wasn't enough.

Half of her medium-sized chest was out of her shirt and if her jeans got any tighter she would have lost blood circulation. She looked at me, gulped while I just rolled my eyes. I sat down in my seat and notice two new people in the class. A boy and a girl.The boy had blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, his shirt brought out his toned muscles but I still think Adric looked better. The girl had big ash-brown curly hair and brown eyes that were framed by her glasses. I was jealous of her body because she was really curvy.They seemed like a couple cause they were acting all lovey dovey to each other so i decided to introduce myself to them.

"Hey, I'm Jasmine, you guys new here?"

"Yeah we are, we came from East High but came over here." The boy said.

"Yeah we just didn't fit in over there, too many problems" The girl said.

"Well that's ironic, you guys seem so nice. What are your names?"I asked.

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