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After gym class, I changed back into my original clothes and make my way to lunch. I took up Zola's offer and sat with her at the lunch table and of course the wicked bitch of the school Amanda had to come and sit down right next to Zola which was across from myself.

"Oh yeah so like I was saying in the bathroom, after we were done Daniel told me I was his best he had ever had."

"Oh, that's cool." Zola said, completely obvious that she didn't care. But of course, Amanda didn't notice.

"Yeah, I know right! First he said that we should go up to his room so no one would know about it and I followed..."

"Isn't that him right there?" I asked rolling my eyes not really wanting to hear about her sex life any further.

She turned around and there he was talking to the other jocks. They made eye contact and she waved but he seemed less interested like a he barely knew her and went talking to the jocks again.

"We always play like that," Amanda tried joking even though it was noticeable that he didn't want anything to do with her so I spoke up.

"Oh really? Cause it seems as though he has seen a ghost."

"Like you could get his attention any better?" she snorted.

Today was my first day and I didn't want any trouble. I really didn't feel liked being name slut of the school by Amanda. Or at least I'm thinking she would say that if I so called 'tried to get Daniel's attention'.

"Please I could get his attention in my sleep but of course I already got it this morning, oh Hey Daniel" I called and waved to him while he winked back a me. She just stood there shocked. Once Again Jasmine Point 2 Amanda 0. She scoffed at me a walked off.

"Dude how come you never stand up to her? I mean you did seem pretty bored letting her talk to you,"

"I don't know, i mean i guess I'm just to it."

"Better you than me" I sipped the can of coke I had and just hoped to make it through the day without a fight.

After school I waited by Jaycee's car hoping he would come soon but it was half an hour after school and there was no sign of him. As far as I could see by the school gate was Adric.  I waved to him and he returned a smile before quickly running over to me.

"How come you're still here?" He asked me.

"I should be saying the same," I shrugged. He told me he had football tryouts before he asked me what was I doing. "My asshole of a br-COUSIN never showed up and he's not answering his phone. He was my ride."

"Oh well, um..." Adric said scratching the back of his neck, "I could give you a ride home if you want,"

"Oh that would great as i could see this dickhead wont show up no time soon," I said patting the side of Jaycee's car.

"Well then, follow me," Adric said smiling.

The car ride was silent. Well, except for the radio, But we didn't say anything to each other. It wasn't an awkward silence though. He dropped me off in front of my house and waited for me to get inside. We exchanged our goodbyes and I said my thank you but it seems as though Adric was nervous, kind of, sort of. He drove off and I stormed inside. No one was home so i just went upstairs to my room and thought.

I thought about everything that happened today. Everything was moving so quickly but greatly. One boy hit on me and supposedly his 'best in bed' was my arch enemy for I dont know what reason. Okay, I do but you cant blame me? She came in the bathroom acting like she owned the place. I made two friends. One who always liked me, well as Nova anyway and a pretty cool girl. I was pretty excited about the whole 'Adric liking me, well, Nova' thing but how could he possibly like me? He doesn't know me. We never spoke, ever. But I guess that would have to be a question for another day.

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