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After the third lap around the freshly cut pitch we were called into a huddle. Anxiety levels were high and we were all just anxious to kick the ball. I looked around, there were quite a few girls, at least 30, and they all had the same nervous look on their faces. "Sarah...Dee...Zoey", a coach started calling off names from a clip board, a sudden gush of nerves took over my body. "Ellie...Jess", too busy stomping the ground, my heart beat rose and words suddenly came out " Yo...Yep.. uh... i mean, here" a couple of girls giggled. Embarrassed, I  kicked  the grass even harder. "Grace...Georgia... Sophie", A wave of confidence washed over me as I heard my two friends names. I met Sophie and Georgia in year 6, and we'd been friends since.

I felt someone's eyes on me, and as I shifted my head I saw Kate glaring at me. I gave her an awkward smile, but I realised she was distracted by something else. Looking over my shoulder, I saw what Kate was focusing on - the under 15's boys squad were exiting from the club rooms, approaching us.

  "ALRIGHT GIRLS", I was instantly snapped out of my thoughts, "since there are quite a few of you girls we'll split you into 4 teams", Stanley, the head coach  bellowed. "Tonight is a big night for you girls and I expect that you will leave everything out on the pitch." The coaches and managers split us into our selected groups, and a little smile formed on my face as I spotted Sophie with the same colour bib on. "How you holding up?" Sophie questioned. "Alright" I reply, "I just wanna get a move along".

 The group quickly went through dynamic stretches and were once again called into a huddle by one of the coaches helping out. "So girls, tonight I'll be the one looking at each individual, in this group and assessing their skills. You'll be playing 3 sets of 5 a side games and by the end of that, we will narrow it down to our top 20 girls then work from there".  

The boys team came and sat  behind the sideline. They started bellowing and hooting. A couple of the boys started chanting Kate's name. Urgh.  Kate was soaking up the fame, and bent down to tie her shoelaces, making sure she gave the boys a look. Double urgh. Sophie walked over to me "I don't get why the boys have to watch our trial, they're just distracting and it's bloody annoying " I could sense she was nervous, as she's usually so calm and collected. I didn't blame her for being nervous though, I didn't want them here either. "I wouldn't worry too much", I said,  looking over at the boys. "They'll be too busy looking at Kate to see us". Its was a failed attempt to cheer her up, but she smiled all the same. 

We split into our preferred positions and with a blow of a whistle and a  touch of the ball, the trials officially started.

Sorry if there's anymistakes. I'm Hoping to update maybe 2-3 times a week, but I've got softball and soccer tryout as well as exam revision&camp.

By the way this is a Jakob fanfic :)

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