Fitness, Fury and Farts

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"Aright girls, you've had a well earned rest,now its time to get focus again and dig deep.Thats all for me until later on, I'll pass it on the Dave, who will go through the rest of the drills tonight," Steve gestured towards Dave and he stepped forwards and starting talking. 

I had to focus harder than usually to keep track of what  his instructions were, as my head was still making sense of the conversation just before. Someone gave me a nudge from behind, I look up to see Soph, "you alright you seem a bit, out of it?", I suddenly feel stupid for thinking about a boy at a time like this, "yeah I'm fine", I respond giving her a reassuring smile and I focus my attention back to the Dave, pushing all the thoughts of this boy deep down.


That was the worst 30 minutes of my life!

They made us do a bunch of fitness tests like the beep test, timed planks, sit-ups and pushups, you get the gist.  My body was exhausted, i swear  if my body went down I would't be able to get back up. I had an excuse for struggling, I've just come back from a six week injury and I'm not really supposed to be diving straight back into full time soccer. Although I did better than most girls, I was probably in the middle group of girls, not to bad if I don't say so myself. 

We had a quick 5 minute brake. Sophie,Georgia and I came together. 

"Hey can I have some of you Powerade, mines run out?"Georgia asks, she's knows thats a big thing to ask me as I'm a long lasting germaphobe, At first I was hesitant, but eventually I handed it over,"okay...but don't touch the rim!" She hands it back and  I throughly rub the the rim before taking a couple more, getting rid of any serious bacteria thats lurking.

"So um, I saw you talking with that hottie over there," Soph points towards Jakob and I can feel my face redden 

"His name is Jakob and I was busy cleaning my boots when HIM and his friends decide to throw a ball at my head!" I pointed to my forehead, making the fair size dent evident. 

"Yeah.. but he's still hot" Georgie chimed in, I looked back, past the wire fence to Jakob, assessing him again, well Jakob is hot, but there no way that I'll admit that. Not realising I was starting to blush, Georgia giggled and gave Sophie a look. Oh No not that look, "Well aren't you blushing, not many things can make you blush. I retorted "Look I know what you guys are getting at and-" I was cute off my Sophie this time, "Maybe a certain brown eyed boy has made her do the impossible. "

 I was astounded by what my friends were coming up with! "ACTUALLY, I blush all the time! I blush when I speak in front of any class, when I miss a shot, when a person calls my name, when I trip, Hell!  I even blush when people fart ! Me blushing doesn't mean a thing!" 

I chuck my bottle on the ground with satisfaction that I shut down that Q&A session quite efficiently  and headed over to where the girls were gradually meeting up.

Turning back to see if the other girls were following me, I sense a set of eyes watching me as, I gaze over the crowded sideline, My eyes once again meet Jakob's and a smirk appears across his face. Naturally I feel a smile beginning to plaster on my face and before I could control myself my hand waved to him,  I realised what I was doing and 

i yanked it down with my spare arm, he waved back, phew, he did;t think I was completely crazy. I could see out of the corner of my eye, my friends walking over, I quickly turn my back on his captivating face, hoping the girls didn't my brief moment of stupidity.

Writing this part was really werid because I wrote the full thing and then it chopped half of it off :/

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