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lack of success.
"an economic policy that is doomed to failure"
synonyms:lack of success, non-success, non-fulfilment, abortion, miscarriage, defeat, frustration, collapse, foundering, misfiring, coming to nothing, falling through; More


One word
One meaning


I hate the word
I hate being one

I was one


The whistle blows. I take three steps and kick. My laces strike the ball. The ball slices through the air. 



 Heading straight for the top corner. The keeper extends for the ball. My heart is literally pumping out of my chest. It feels like the balls taking forever to reach the goals.

The balls going straight for the corner. Jolts of excitement flow in my body. The ball reaches the goals. The keepers fingers are centimetres from the ball, but fall short. I'm certain. I'm certain I've got it.

The ball hits the crossbar and bounces out of the keepers box.

I missed

~Flashback over~

I pick up my drink bottle and bag and quickly walk off to the carpark, making sure I avoid the sympathetic chat with the sad looks and reassuring pats on the back.

I flick on the torch mode on my iphone and light the path ahead, making sure I look back every couple seconds.

Tears are beginning to stream down my cheeks, I quickly wipe them away, forcing myself to shove all my emotions down and continue on  the darken footpath. The air is becoming chilly and I instantly regret not bringing a jacket, shivering I rub my arms up and down, stroking the numerous  goosebumps that are emerging on my arms.

I'm so stupid! Honestly it's winter and the trials were arranged at night, yet  not once did I think to at least bring something warm to wear afterwards! Knowing my mum,  she'll take her time picking me up and then blame it on her work or traffic, so I guess I'll just have to freeze my butt off for another 30 minutes. But I guess I can add that to the jampacked list of things wrong in my life.

Pitch black. My whole vision has disappeared in a second. A little squeal proceeds to slip out of my lips. I regain focus and sigh, full of relief as I squeeze the side button on my phone and vaguely make out the low battery notification warning ,Well I can add that to my list, I lower the light settings. THUD I fall face first onto the cold stone pavement, my phone slips out of my grasp and is flung into the unknown, I begin scrambling on the ground in search for my belvoded possession Ouch, I grab my knee and begin picking out the small shards of glass that have become lodged in my skin, carelessly  my finger skims over a piece of glass, allowing blood to seep through the cut on my skin.

Thats it.
That was the last straw.

I let my emotions take over. I drop to the ground, tears are now streaming down my face. I let the wale-like sobs come out of my mouth, each time sounding more disturbing then the previous. I vigoursly punch the grass and rip it up in my hands only to smash it back down, my hands search around for something else to thing to throw, I make contact with a fair sized shard and throw it in anger into the darkness. I clench my fists again preparing to give the grass another beating when suddenly a noise makes me freeze.

"Who is it? Who-o's out there? I-I know a bit of karate...I mean I do Karate" I yell out, staring aimlessly into the darkness.

A Rustling noise comes from my left and in instinct I clench my fists, mentaly and physically preparing myself for what's out there.

A figure suddenly emerges from the dark, "Jeez Jess! Was glass really necessary?"

"Who are you? TELL ME!" I commanded, surprising myself with how confident I sounded, when in all reality and mind my French, I was basically Shitting myself.

"My pleasure" the shadey figure responds. I can make out the figure reaching for their side.

"Wait w-what are you doing?" Sounding less confident by the second.

The shadowy figure continues to play with whatever is in their hand,
"gosh Jess carm down"

I was about to ask who this person was again when the figure raised the phone to their face.

My heart skipped a beat as the face became clear. 

It was Jakob

Sorry I haven't been on lately but I really appreciate the sweet comments when I get them.

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